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Sunday, March 7, 2021

Nogizaka46: The second quintessential Yuki Yoda bonus post for 2021!


 As I said in her last post may as well keep labeling these as 'bonus' ones as it's kind of a good luck charm. Using that in the heading made Yuki the most popular woman here last year by how many views her posts received. Working out well too for 2021 as her first post for the year has been the most viewed to date and by a wide margin. It's still #1 on the most viewed posts list and for that reason thought I should wait a while for this one to let that post fall down the list. But it probably won't and do have seventy new pics for today which made no sense hanging on to. 

 That bottom pic right above is in a battle to be my all time #1 Nogi pic, they've had so many perfect ones over the years how can one decide? It is true Nogi members have had some truly scantly clad and ultra hot photobooks the past four years. However they're still a relatively conservative group as outside of those books and the mag spreads promoting them you rarely see any gravure pics. That's the case for today and has been for the last few months, to me there's nothing wrong with any of the pics in that conservative vein. Seems Nogi fans also agree as their posts are usually the most popular ones here.

 Not as many activities for Yuki over the last six weeks since her last post was done but as mentioned do have about seventy new pics for today. Most of this first small batch aren't new ones but are from an event that took place exactly a year ago. It was the last time a Nogi member appeared at a regular event and the occasion was for Yuki's second photobook which came out last March 10th. What a massive seller it's been with over 220,000 copies sold and there's little doubt we'll probably be seeing a third one, even with that huge amount of sales it was only the second best selling PB for 2020. The post for it just made another appearance on the most viewed posts of the last month. Sure most have seen the flawless book which was shot in Sicily but if you did miss it here's the link: Second PB

 Shame she wasn't at last week's 'Tokyo Girls Collection' show with five other Nogi members but have noticed Yuki has only appeared at three of those shows. No event for this award but for the second year in a row Yuki was honored for being the entertainer who appeared on the most magazine covers. The award has been given out now for seven years and a Nogi member has won it the past five. Two were from her mate who last year finished second for being on the most covers.

 Only a few newish pics from her Nogi blog and most members are still so bad at posting.

 Yuki is a model for three sites/magazines but there's been so few new pics recently. There should be many coming up soon for their Spring collections, these are new from the Bis site.

 On February 22nd and 23rd Nogi held their ninth Birthday concerts. In past years there were usually four of them but the health crisis prevented that but there are two shows coming up at the end of the month featuring the first and second generation members. All of the concerts of course couldn't have any fans but were streamed live. After a slow stretch of not that many new Nogi cards there has been the past month or so, these are all for their ninth birthday.

 The newish cards I'm liking quite a bit are for Nogi's 'Always With You' collection, these are new ones and who wouldn't want Yuki as their waitress(!).... or cabin attendant, those came out last October.

 You can tell if Yuki's pics are new by the length of her hair. Last June 20th she had her hair cut on the group's special 'Nogi 48 Hours TV' show, it was the first time in five years she had it cut. Have noticed it's starting to get longish again and I prefer the shortish style. Here's some outtake pics for this post's only mag spread which is from....

 .... the April issue of BLT. Yuki has the cover as she wants to win that award for appearing on a cover for a third year, the only spread but it's a large one at 22 pages. Yuki has four entertaining CM's for Cup Star soup where she plays 'Detective Yoda', her newest one is after the pics.

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