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Monday, March 1, 2021

"G Senjou no Anata to Watashi" drama: Episode two recap


 Air Dates: October 15th until December 17, 2019 on TBS, Thursdays at 10:00 pm
Average Rating: 7.7%, subs were done by Aoihachi
Also goes by the title of You and I on the G-String

Main Cast: Have just viewed the first two episodes so there may much tweaking as the shows go on. Not sure what city this takes place in but it's set in Ishikawa prefecture, perhaps the city of Kanazawa? At the beginning of the first show it was mid April 2018 and by it's end it was already June. In this episode we're quickly up to September.

Haru as Yaeko Kogure.... 27 year old woman who quit her OL job in the first episode and also then she was dumped by her boyfriend. Shortly after that Yaeko heard Mao playing the violin at an event to draw new students, she was hooked on becoming a master right from that moment. At the moment Yaeko is still unemployed living with her parents.

Taishi Nakagawa as Rihito Kase.... College student who is nineteen and lives at home with his married brother, his wife and the parents. Rihito too heard Mao playing the violin at the event and joined her class but he does have a past with her.

Yuki Matsushita as Yukie Kitagawa.... The third student in the class who also attended the event held in a mall. Yukie is much older than the other pair as she's in her forties, she has a husband and an eleven year old daughter but isn't too happy with her marriage.

Yuki Sakurai as Mao Kuzumi.... Works as a violin instructor at a musical school and is teaching the three newbies above. She's 27 in age and was recently dumped by her boyfriend, of all people it was Rihito's brother and Rihito does have a crush on Mao.

Nobuyuki Suzuki as Yuto Kase.... Rihito's brother who is about 27 in age and works in an office. He had been Mao's boyfriend but got another woman pregnant and had to marry her.

Karen Takizawa as Fumi Kase.... Yuto's pregnant wife and actually quite a nice woman.

 There's a few other minor characters, will add them in if their roles become larger.

 This is a ten episode series, about 2/3's of the time will recap every show. Unsure what I'll be doing for this drama, if things remain slow will do every episode. Not every drama needs to be done in it's entirety as often the point is to introduce you do a series and whether it's worth a view. Have noticed the views for the recaps really drop off after the fifth episode and can understand why. If that's the first post of the drama you've read or are about to then you'd be semi lost without reading the first four or so, I'm the same way when I visit other sites. Will play it by ear for now and am also unsure at this moment whether there will be four recaps today or just a pair.

 No cliffhangers like most intense dramas have but there was a key development coming into this second show. Even though the trio had only been playing the violin for five weeks Yaeko wanted them to enter the school's musical recital. Rihito has improved tremendously in that span of time though the two women haven't as they don't take practicing as seriously. But eventually Yaeko did persuade Rihito to join them at the recital and vowed to take playing much more seriously which she did, so didn't the third member Yukie. When the trio first saw Mao playing a song at the L'AZA Walking mall it was "Air on the G-String" which is the English title for the drama. But Mao said the piece is too difficult for beginners, even for the best student Rihito so they performed the song in the bottom screenshot.

 In practice the trio were sounding somewhat good or at least for beginners, by the time the recital took place they had ben playing for three months. However that recital was one disaster as Yaeko and Yukie just couldn't play nearly as well as they had been doing in practice, even Rihito didn't perform as well as he had been. For the performance Yaeko wore the dress she was going to at her cancelled wedding, she felt she may as well get some use out of it. Forgot to mention it in the last recap that her 
ex-boyfriend Satoshi had given her some compensation for the dress and wedding hall. It wasn't a large sum as it was only $440 but at least it paid for her violin and some lessons. But though the recital was a flop none of the three were that rejected, if anything they were more determined to practice harder and there's another recital Yukie wants them to enter in three months.

 Yukie is around 45 in age, she's such a nice person who gets along so well with Yaeko and Rihito but things are not going so well at home. She didn't tell the two but her husband had been cheating on her plus his mother lives with them, she's such a devil to put it mildly. The pair were supposed to be out of town for a pair of nights so Yukie invited her mates over to practice on that second day. She has an eleven year old daughter named Tami who has been taking piano lessons and has gotten fairly good, she would accompany them during practice. That session was like the recital as the two women just played so badly but Rihito has kept on improving and the pair just sat to watch his playing. A horror soon arrived or at least to Yukie it was as appearing unexpectedly was her mother-in-law. She wasn't happy with seeing the trio at the house and Yukie deduced this evil woman had lied about spending two nights away, perhaps to see if she couldn't catch Yukie also cheating?

 That was the impression I had at first about the mother-in-law catching Yukie with another man, outside of the house with her two friends is when Yukie realized it too. But that scene had left her on the verge of tears and of all people to brighten the day it was Rihito. Though he could be considered the 'barb man' he is a decent fellow and at nineteen in age just hasn't fully realized how hurtful his words can be at times. He talked some real sense into Yukie and he said it wasn't the mother-in-law who won the confrontation but her! Rihito had a great time, ate some delicious food and was really impressed with her house. To him it was Yukie's mother-in-law who lost as she wanted to catch Yukie cheating which would never happen and she's really just a grumpy old lady. After that moment she and Rihito became much closer and referred to each other by their first names which was making Yaeko overly jealous. While Rihito was cheering Yukie up Yaeko just stood by silently wishing there was something she could do which never happened.

 Above are Yaeko and Yukie at a restaurant where Yaeko spilled her guts about her being jealous about the two becoming much closer. Yukie was telling her not to worry about a thing and from that moment on those two also began referring to each other by their first names. The main reason for stopping at the eatery was to visit Rihito who just got a part time job there. The female in the above screenshot is named Yua, we saw her very briefly in the first show and just this one scene in this episode. She seems to have a slight crush on Rihito who has shown no interest in woman outside of Mao

 Rihito has had that crush on Mao since he was fifteen and she being eight years older odds are high no kind of romance will be happening. That's what Rihito is beginning to think and he told that to Yaeko a few days later when they were practicing at their local karaoke club, Yukie had some family matters and wasn't there. Yaeko is eight years older than Rihito too but she's still quite naive on relationships and really can't give him any good advice which kind of angered Rihito. He's at a big crossroads in his young life and he's made the decision to fully confess his love to Mao, there's nothing Yaeko can say to help that decision?

 No there wasn't and Rihito was wondering if the main reason was that Yaeko never loved her boyfriend in the first place? As mentioned Rihito doesn't often beat around the bush and at times like this it's actually a good thing. Though his questions infuriated Yaeko deep down she began to wonder if Rihito wasn't right with his assessments. But never mind his quandary with Mao but what about Yua? He's never taken the time to get to know her well enough but she is quite a cutie, if things don't work out well with Mao should she be considered his consolation prize? To that Yaeko also didn't have a reply and at 27 in age she truly knows so little about love and relationships, too many of Rihito's comments and questions were a bit too probing for Yaeko who stormed out of the karaoke room. 

 Not as much took place in this episode compared to the first as we're approaching the end. That was the second time the pair have had a huge misunderstanding, first time it was Rihito who left in a huff. After thinking about some of the comments he made Yaeko realized Rihito was correct about a few things. The main one was that Yaeko's come to realize that she actually didn't love her boyfriend and was really just going with the flow as marriage is something you'd expect from someone getting close to thirty. That may have been her only semi close relationship and Yaeko has also come to realize what an empty life she has, her only activity the past four months has been learning the violin. After doing much soul searching Yaeko called Rihito up to apologize and to tell him he was correct on some of his assessments. That brought us to the end of this episode and in the next one is when Rihito is supposed to confess his love to Mao, if he's rejected then he says he'll leave the violin class!

 Don't know what others are thinking but I really like the way Haru looks in this show, as I said in the first post isn't she a ringer for Yuki Kashiwagi? Well, have decided to have four recaps today as I'm enjoying this series and zipped through the four shows in two days. Have a pair of different posts below this one and after them are the recaps for the next two episodes.

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