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Friday, March 19, 2021

Marie Iitoyo: '99 bottles of'....


 .... Marie on the wall, you take one down....'. Hmmmm, kind of catchy but not as much as '99 bottles of beer on the wall'! That number refers to this being her 99th post which if you look at other's total amount may not seem like all that many. But it's been about four years since an actress hit the 100 post milestone and it may never happen again. Think only woman may hit that somewhat soon who is a Keya member and her posts are at least non-group ones. In Marie's case most of her posts have been in this vein and if another actress does hit the 100 mark it'll be because of so many drama recaps. 

 Don't plan on doing anything special for the milestone and it could happen in two days. As mentioned most of Marie's posts have been non-drama ones as she had 26 posts like this one in 2020, 23 in 2019 and this is already her seventh for this year. So that puts her pace ahead of last year and 26 posts is a record, she also had twelve for dramas so she's kind of taken over this blog. Wonder if I started this site a year or so ago would the address have been different? 'Aitoda' has kind of a nice ring to it, guess 'Aimarie' would too but prefer the original.

 This is Marie's first post in eight days(!) which may not seem like a long stretch but she had three in the first eleven days of this month which has to be another record. Once again no new mag spreads but she's one of the few who don't need any for a stupendous post, the only other one that comes to mind is the fave in the next post and both were in the "Video Girl: Ai" 2018 drama. Speaking of dramas the final episode of 'Kimi to Seaki' will be airing this Sunday night, in a week will have the recaps for the final two shows. It airs on NTV and about twenty minutes after that season ends the second one will be starting up on HULU. Sure hope that season gets subbed as I've really enjoyed the first one, two promo pics for season two and it appears the four main characters all survived the Zombie attacks.

 Her character Kanae is starting to become lethal at archery. Marie is also going to be in a film coming out on April 29th called "Remain in Twilight" but don't know much about it at this point. She's also voicing the character of Dove DJ in the 'Tom and Jerry' anime film that's being released today in Japan. Have some fine interview pics for the movie that out today with the Model Press site but it was originally done on February 10th after an event.

 Here's a small batch of modeling pics that hadn't been  posted, they came out last July for Casio and of course they're for watches.

 Marie is a model for the Oggi mag/site but didn't check to see if they had any new pics and that's because there's an outside chance there could be a post on Sunday. But do have many new superb pics from the More site that have all come out within the last week.

 As mentioned the 'Tom and Jerry' movie opened in Japan today but there was no premiere held for it. What I'm hoping is that it'll take place tomorrow with Marie in attendance, if so there could be a post on Sunday. In Marie's last post had many pics from a March 11th event that was held at the Laforet Museum in Harajuku. It was to promote a 'Tom and Jerry' special exhibition for the movie and also it's eighty year history. Have another huge amount of pics from it and none were in that previous post.

 Once the 'Kimi to Sekai' drama's recaps are done in a week will be viewing her mini series "Thus spoke Rohan Kishibe" that aired at the end of December, just three episodes for it. Don't know if I've ever ended off a post with interview pics but these are so fabulous just had to. They're from 'TheTV.jp' site and the interview is for the current drama and also Marie's tastes in fashion. It was done after the February 28th 'Tokyo Girls Collection' show and Marie took my breath away with how she looked, she does that too often. Here's the link to the interview which also has a few more pics, after the pics have a newish CM for Helio White, longer version than the one posted before: The TV interview

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