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Thursday, March 4, 2021

Nogizaka46: The enchanting 'Miona Hori post' #38....


 Post #38 but don't think number forty will happen while she's a member of Nogi. The official graduation date has been set for Miona and it'll be taking place on March 28th. That'll be a second generation concert, after that show they'll be down to seven members. Not 100% sure but think it's just going to feature them and it's also a anniversary show as the group of eight joined Nogi back in March 2013. Should be a joyous occasion though definitely a sad one with Miona's departure, the amount of Nogi gals I post about is really dwindling fast as there's only six members these days who get posts on a regular basis. Just before I began this post a really odd stat popped into my mind. With the graduation it'll mean just fifteen will be remaining from the first and second generations. That means there's more 4G members in Nogi as those gals total sixteen, if you're a long time fan these aren't happy days.

 Don't have any clue what Miona's plans are going to be after March 28th. Though she's been such a massive fave of mine for five years have to admit she doesn't seem to have a lot in place after she departs. She's a model for the ar magazine but hasn't been doing much else these days and hopefully she has some things lined up which haven't been revealed yet. The entertainment industry is just so bloated these days with Idols who have graduated and very, very few can say they've had a successful career. Miona is a popular Idol but have noticed that doesn't mean much when they're no longer a member of a group. Of course I wish her the best of luck but she'll need more than that, especially these days with the health crisis and it may have ben wiser to remain with Nogi just a bit longer.

 Hopefully can have some news about Miona's future in some upcoming posts and think there may be two more this month. Am holding back a huge new mag spread and a few other assorted pics for a post just a few days before her March 28th graduation. Then was thinking of doing a mini post of the concert shortly after it takes place. A mini post as I'm hoping the event will be subbed and then can do a few posts for it as I'm sure there's going to be so much talking during it. Just may have that first concert post a group one as I do like the second generation members so much. May also have another post for the first generation members as they're having their own concert the day after and there's just eight members remaining for them.

 Enough of an intro and let's get to some new pics. Miona's last post was just two weeks ago so there aren't a ton of new ones but think the total pics will total 55 or so. Not many recent pics from her Nogi blog and hope she starts her own one after the graduation.

 On February 28th the Spring/Summer 'Tokyo Girls Collection' show took place. Sadly Miona wasn't there as that was a shame as she usually looks so good at them plus it would have been wise to stay in the public eye a tad longer. So it appears her last show was the Autumn one that took place last September 5th, had some pics from it already but seven of these have never been posted.

 Miona announced her graduation date during Nogi's two ninth birthday concerts which took place on February 22nd and 23rd, wonder who will take her place as the center for the terrific "Barrette" song?

 Some Nogi cards for their ninth birthday.

 Have come close to exhausting my huge supply of 'NogiKoi' game cards. So have been including their 'Always With You' cards in posts and there's so many of them to get to.

 Perhaps Miona can ask her mate how to have a semi successful post-Idol career?

 Last post had some fabulous pics from the photo shoot for the new issue of Platinum Flash.

 But didn't have the spread in that post, do have the set today and Miona is the cover girl for the special issue. She's also the cover girl for the spread I'm holding on to for that next post and it's a huge one at 22 pages. Not too many recent videos but after the pics do have one for this year's Valentine's Day.

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