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Monday, March 1, 2021

"G Senjou no Anata to Watashi" drama: Episode four recap


 Air Dates: October 15th until December 17, 2019 on TBS, Thursdays at 10:00 pm
Average Rating: 7.7%, subs were done by Aoihachi
Also goes by the title of You and I on the G-String

Main Cast: Have just viewed the first two episodes so there may much tweaking as the shows go on. Not sure what city this takes place in but it's set in Ishikawa prefecture, perhaps the city of Kanazawa? At the beginning of the first show it was mid April 2018 and by it's end it was already June. In this episode we're quickly up to September.

Haru as Yaeko Kogure.... 27 year old woman who quit her OL job in the first episode and also then she was dumped by her boyfriend. Shortly after that Yaeko heard Mao playing the violin at an event to draw new students, she was hooked on becoming a master right from that moment. At the moment Yaeko is still unemployed living with her parents.

Taishi Nakagawa as Rihito Kase.... College student who is nineteen and lives at home with his married brother, his wife and the parents. Rihito too heard Mao playing the violin at the event and joined her class but he does have a past with her.

Yuki Matsushita as Yukie Kitagawa.... The third student in the class who also attended the event held in a mall. Yukie is much older than the other pair as she's in her forties, she has a husband and an eleven year old daughter but isn't too happy with her marriage.

Yuki Sakurai as Mao Kuzumi.... Works as a violin instructor at a musical school and is teaching the three newbies above. She's 27 in age and was recently dumped by her boyfriend, of all people it was Rihito's brother and Rihito does have a crush on Mao.

Nobuyuki Suzuki as Yuto Kase.... Rihito's brother who is about 27 in age and works in an office. He had been Mao's boyfriend but got another woman pregnant and had to marry her.

Karen Takizawa as Fumi Kase.... Yuto's pregnant wife and actually quite a nice woman.

 There's a few other minor characters, will add them in if their roles become larger.

 Starting with the fifth episode will have the links to the first four shows, no sense having any links today as the posts are just a few above this one. Which means you've probably read them and as said in the previous post no need to rehash what's taken place. Main thing is that the trio of newbie violin players seems to be just a duo now, it was in the last show for the school's Autumn recital and that continues on into this episode.

 Reason for our original trio of rookie violin players dropping to a duo is the absence of Yukie but sure she'll eventually rejoin the group. Won't discuss her too much in this recap which should be the shortest of the four done for today. May as well get to her situation first and then concentrate on the other two. It was Yukie's dream to play at a second recital after the trio's first one flopped so badly but tragedy struck on the day of the performance. Yukie's mother-in-law had a stroke at home and if Yukie wasn't there the woman Yumiko may have died. Yukie has never really cared that much for the woman and she had a good reason as Yumiko is a bit of a witch, actually not a bit but a full fledged one! But Yukie ended up being a trooper and has given all else up to care for the woman who had ben living with Yukie, her husband and daughter.

 Yukie though has become down in the dumps since that tragedy took place but has hidden it well. Though not an excellent violinist she truly loved learning how to play but she may have loved becoming friends with Yaeko and Rihito even more. She did meet Yaeko once over a cup of coffee plus did visit the class for it's final session but couldn't stay. You would have to think she'll be making a return to the group as she is one of the main characters. But taking care of her mother-in-law has meant Yukie has had no time to practice the violin, even if she's able to return she'd be too far behind her mates. Above you can see Yaeko talking with Rihito, that was to perform at some mini Christmas shows as a trio and it was shortly after that Yukie said she had to give up the instrument for a while.

 What Yaeko was thinking when she said 'Thank God he didn't remember' is from how the last show ended. She and Rihito were quite drunk after celebrating their fine performance at the second recital. On their way home Rihito had 'trapped' Yaeko and against a wall and she thought a kiss was about to take place. It didn't but have a feeling Yaeko did want it to happen, Rihito was so out of it he couldn't recall anything that happened. But that evening getting sloshed was a key moment in this series as both spilled their guts out about their lives, especially Yaeko. The two could almost be considered best friends now and they've said the only person they can confide in is each other though they still do have some mini blowups towards the other.

 The main highlight of that beer laden evening with Rihito is that it's gotten Yaeko to finally try reentering the world. It's getting close to Christmas Day and Yaeko has been out of work since June but she's been getting by as she had a good amount of $$ saved up plus I think she's now getting unemployment. She had quit her OL position as Yaeko thought she would be getting married but she ended up being jilted by her boyfriend. So for the following six months the activity that has kept her going has been learning the violin and to Yaeko it's saved her life. After that evening she's enrolled with the Hello Work site to get a job which hasn't worked out. Mainly because Yaeko wants a music related job but her advisor says that's impossible as she really has no background in it. Yaeko had been so insistent about that kind of job but by the episode's end it appears she'll take anything.

 Yaeko has also enrolled on an online dating service and proclaimed to Rihito near the end of the show that she has a potential suitor. That's what Yaeko said but I'm not totally convinced she was telling the truth, guess we'll find out in the next show. Though no more Yukie the pair have continued to practice at least once a week at their nearby karaoke club, it's the only place that wouldn't complain about the noise. With X-Mas approaching Yaeko came up with the idea of performing at small parties which Rihito isn't quite sure of yet but he may be if some offers start coming in though the pair would just perform for free.

 Of course you knw by now that Rihito was rejected by the love of his life Mao in the previous episode. Must be tough for the two to be in classes together but they're not letting his confession hinder his or Yaeko's violin learning. Rihito knew he would be rejected, Mao is eight years older and is already settled in life but hasn't had a man since she was dumped by Rihito's brother Yuto ten months ago. If Rihito had some brains to him he'd jump at another woman who has been making advances towards him. That's his classmate at Joshuu University Yua who is such an attractive young lady. The pair work together part time at a restaurant and Yua even admitted to Rihito she went to watch his recital performance. For some reason Rihito doesn't want to get close to her or at least for now, he's just turned twenty and am thinking he's never had a girlfriend yet.

 Final segment and though much does happen this is the easier drama I've ever recapped to date. It's the final day of the violin class and Rihito didn't want to attend and it was mainly because he didn't want to see Mao again but it appeared he was over her or has he been lying about that? But he was talked into going to the class by Yaeko and it's a good thing Rihito was there as so wasn't Yukie who couldn't leave the group without saying a final farewell. But she'll be staying in touch with Yaeko and though Yukie has fallen behind the other two in playing would think she'll make some sort of return to the group. One thought just crossed my mind and that's about the class continuing. Six months of meeting just once a week isn't enough for a newbie at the violin, wonder why there isn't a phase two of the class?

 Perhaps there is another class and we haven't learned of it yet, there sill are six shows to go and really not sure how this drama is supposed to end. Perhaps with Yaeko and Rihito becoming a couple even though she's almost eight years older than he is? When you're about to turn 28 like Yaeko is you wouldn't want a twenty year old college student as a boyfriend. But the pair get along so well so maybe that's where this show is headed? Yaeko may want that scenario as in the final scene the pair were walking home from their last class. In an unexpected move Rihito took hold of Yaeko's hand and they strolled down the street as if they were a couple. Yaeko never said a word and deep down I thought she was extremely happy. Rihito had to let go as they needed to separate and could sense that Yaeko was hoping that wasn't the final time he would hold her hand. That scene brought us to the end of this episode and this has been one enjoyable series up until now.

 What Yaeko is referring to above is that when she's extremely happy "Air on the G String" plays in her head but it doesn't happen enough with her. Four solid shows so far and while such a slow paced show I'm truly enjoying it. The characters and story are so down to earth and these are people just like us. Zipped through the first four episodes but need to take a mini break and you know why as there will be at least fourteen posts these two days. But will be back within a week with the next pair of recaps.

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