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Monday, March 29, 2021

Tsubasa Honda: Two recent events plus a tad more....


 Fourth post for the year but more amazingly it's Tsubasa's third post for March! Been years since she's had such a busy stretch and don't know if she's ever had three posts in a month for new activities. I say to keep them coming as she's now at 170 posts, will take a while to hit 200 but at this pace perhaps in two years. A pair of other actresses have hit that milestone and she may be the last one to hit it. But that pair with over two hundred posts really don't compare to Tsubasa's or really any one else these days. For my first 3-4 years posts were so much smaller so it was easier to watch their post totals increase rapidly, posts these days would have been the equivalent of 2-3 five years ago.

 Tsubasa is the only woman to make every list I've done, six yearly and the top twenty of all time back in 2018. But the last two years she's faded on that yearly list but with four posts already can see her moving back into the top ten. She's not a big fave of you viewers but there aren't many who top her on my all time list. The bulk of today's post will be for two events that'll have fifty pics, her last post was just two weeks ago so she didn't have time to keep pace with me! Do have some terrific new non-event pics from the More site and she's looking better by the day....

 Tsubasa will be in the next issues of More and Spring so that next post could be coming up soon. When I said she's looking better by the day she is in a way as she hasn't aged all that much when you compare her new pics to ones five years ago, she'll be turning 29(!) on June 27th. So while no new spreads how about an encore viewing of one, it's a terrific set of pics from the November 30, 2018 issue of Tokyo Walker Plus.

 Mentioned a few weeks ago how posts are kind of streaky. For the first two months of the year bet gravure models or J-Pop Idols had 80% of he posts. That's really changed in March as actresses have over half of the posts and hope that continues. Let's get to the main reasons for this post which are a pair of events which were for some new CM's. First off is a video from Schick and their new 'Goku Kiwami' shaver. There's a couple of CM's that have come out the past two weeks but instead will have the link to a behind the scenes video which I enjoyed more. Kind of odd seeing Tsubasa promote a man's shaver and not one for a woman, wish my barber looked like her.... Schick video

 Second new CM is for 'Myojo Charmera Cup' soup and will end off with pics from an event that was held today. Here's the link to the CM which also has a mini behind the scenes segment and the J-Pop tune sounds kind of catchy: Charmera video

 That Schick event took place on March 16th, in the CM's Tsubasa is playing an old time barber and that's how she dressed at the occasion. It's okay that she wasn't more glamorous though looked like she needed a shave(!) and not many other actresses will do fun things like she does at events.

 I much prefer the way Tsubasa was clad at the Charmera event, there's something about her dressed down style which is so appealing to me and think many others are of the same opinion. The event took place today where she showed us her non-drawing skills even though Tsubasa is such a massive manga fan Plenty of superb pics from the occasion and following them is a short video of it.

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