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Thursday, March 18, 2021

Nanase Nishino: Yet even many more recent tidbits....


 Recent is right on the money as her last post was just five days ago! Will have to admit I've become more selective in the gals I post about the last 3-4 more months. Could have more posts for others but I so much prefer posting about a core of woman and you probably know who they are by now. But it is working out as March may have more posts than any other month plus I bet the quality of them will be the highest of the year.

 Of course one of those 'core' women is Nanase and there aren't many more I enjoy posting about. That's probably obvious as she has more than anyone else and is now only eight away from hitting that 400 post milestone and wonder if 500 is possible? It is but at twenty posts a year which is what her average is that'd still be five years down the road after 400 is hit, let's see if I'm still around then.

 With Nanase's last post just being five days ago it means there hasn't been all that many new pics in that stretch. But in a way there are as the total in that small period is fifty new pics plus have a few older ones you've never seen plus a superb encore mag spread. For the second time Nanase has the lead role in a drama which is called "Hot Mom". It begins tomorrow on Amazon Prime and I'm looking forward to this series as it's not as serious as her previous three shows. Natsuki is her character's name who was an OL that got pregnant after a one night stand and this will be a show I'll be checking out. Not positive on how it'll be working out but think three mini episodes will be aired a night, there's twelve in all but the drama ends on April 9th, more details if I get to sub it. Few promo pics for the show and did she name the baby Nao(!), also have a new short promo video: Hot Mom

 Have some interview pics from the Hominis site for the drama, it was done at the end of February and it was also promoting her first stage play.

 Even more interview pics for the drama that came out this week with Model Press.

 Batch here of fine pics are older Nogi cards. They're for the group's 'Always With You' series and Nanase doesn't have too many of them as it began the year before her graduation.

 Just a few new pics from the Non-no site but they're all from the last five days.

 Only one new mag spread for today which is from the current issue of TV Station, at two pages why'd they bother?! But know Nanase will be the cover girl of a mag coming out in a week plus because of the drama wouldn't be surprised if we saw her in many more upcoming mags.

 Technically the above was only one page, sigh. So that being the only spread let's go back in time for an encore viewing of a set and bet this may be her best spread with you viewers. Nanase was the cover girl for the December 19, 2018 issue of Anan and doesn't she look sweltering!!!!

 To end off have some truly fabulous event pics and it's her first one in about a year. It was held today at the Glade Park in Tokyo to promote the "Hot Mom" drama and as good as Nanase has looked over the years she's become even more sparkling, she just looks so darn terrific! In some of the pics is the father of the baby in the drama and following them is a video of the event. That's an advantage to Nanase graduating as almost all Nogi events don't have any videos and still have never understood why.

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