Welcome to this Baka's blog on his fave Japanese Pop Culture interests.
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Hajimemashite minna san....welcome to my site on my fave Japanese Pop Culture likes such as dramas, movies, magazine scans, promo events etc. Mainly concentrate on my faves...Risa Watanabe... Miku Tanaka... Yui Kobayashi....Miyuki Watanabe.... Nene Shida....if you're a fan at all of any of them then you've come to the rightplace(!) but many others are featured here besides them. Do mainly quick reviews on things I've watched, try to make the reviews brief, quick to read through with not too many spoilers, just whether they're good or bad and why I thought so plus whether you may find them enjoyable. Many, many screenshots are included from everything I've watched plus any video trailers if they're available. Hope you find something that interests you, don't hesitate to comment, arigato gozaimasu!
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Tuesday, March 16, 2021
Keyakizaka46: A little bit of this and that for 2021 #1....
Sigh, that top pic is just too perfect and is close to being my #1 from Keya. There's really no method to my madness when it comes to deciding on what posts to do. Of course when I've accumulated a lot of things will often have a post but it doesn't always happen. More than anything a mega fave is someone I work to have a post for even though there many not be much going on, you may have noticed a few of them lately. But what's happened more recently is that I've said to myself 'So and so is going to have a post today and nothings going to stop me!'. In a way that's how this post came to being and hope I can follow through on my plans.
That's to have 3-4 of these group posts within the next month. Thought it had been eight months since the last one but there was a group post in December. Back in 2018/19 Keya easily had over twenty of these posts for those years but with their long stretch of inactivity as a group the total posts dropped to eight in 2020 though there may have been 35+ solo posts. Didn't decide on doing this or the future ones until today so this may not have a large variety of things but there are 85 new pics. None for today but will be viewing some episodes of their Sunday 'Soko' show and have recaps in these posts. Think the next one will be this weekend and if there's too many screenshots from the shows will make them separate posts, let's get on to things.
No Risa for today as her pics I always save for solo posts along with three other members. After such a quiet stretch for Keya, will always call them that, it's all of a sudden become such a busy period for them. So busy it's hard to keep up with the activities but that's fine by me and why you'll be seeing many more of these posts. As you may know the group's second single under the Sakura name will be coming out on April 14th. "Ban" is the title of it and there's no covers or promo pics for it yet. Once again Hikaru will be the center, many fans including myself are hoping management doesn't make the same mistake and have the same center for each single as that's what caused Keya to splinter. No PV out yet but here's an audio of the song which sounds decent to me: Ban
Neru did graduate back in 2019 but she's remained a fave of mine, did a post in January but didn't follow up with it yet. But will soon as for a change there's been too many things to post about, top four are from her IG page while the others are from her new Legato radio show.
The three '46' groups are starring in a new drama called "Borderless" and still think Keya should have their own series. This one will be airing until May 9th but haven't been able to find the shows yet but sure I will soon plus hope they do get subbed. If that happens won't be recapping the entire ten episode drama and just the ones featuring the Keya members in the bottom two promo pics.
Can't say I'm a big fan of all the second generation members, some of the older ones I do like quite a bit though. One is Rina Matsuda who in January became Keya's assistant captain. To me she is such a beauty and someone you'll be seeing much of in these post, WOW!!!! She leads off this mini batch with 'KeyaKise' promo game cards, they're from late 2019, early 2020. We need new cards, granted there's plenty of older ones I've never gotten to but the gals look better these days. Second set features the first generation member Fuyuka who you never heard much of for so long. But she stuck it out and seems to be getting more exposure lately, especially on their variety show. The first three cards are for her 23rd birthday which took place on February 15th.
In most group and solo posts have been having many promo pics for 'Uni's on Air'. That's a web game that features members from Keya and Hina. First up again is Rina and I'll never get tired of her pics. She has a slightly interesting background as she was a bank teller when she joined Keya, how many others had a job when they joined? Following her is Rei Ozono and had never posted pics for her. She's a second generation gal who will be turning 21 in a month. Two more sets in this batch that include Minami who I truly adore and is the most kawaii Idol ever, she led the post off with those two dazzling pics. Ending the set off are a few more pics of Fukuya.
Hope to see more Keya events this year and also hope they feature more of the older members. Had some pics in a prior solo post but have some of the adorable Minami here which are from a February 26th event, wish there were more pics. It was to promote a new Keya association with the 'Summoner's War' game, a new edition comes out next month and there will be a few CM's featuring Keya. Also a few videos I read of the gals attempting to play it. Over the years Nogi has had many members who are into gaming and Sentai shows but can only think of one Keya gal like that.
Have a trio of mag spreads though could have had more. Will hold two back for their next post but three's another bigger reason. Which is that I'm not going to include sets of the too-young-to-me second generation members, if they're twenty or older will have those spreads but if the member is younger than that will skip them. But unfortunately it seems most spreads these days do feature the younger members. First off is a real tiny one with Rika from the January 8th issue of Weekly Shonen.
Much bigger spread here from the January edition of BLT Graph and it's someone I don't recall posting about. This set features Yumiko Seki who is the oldest second generation member as she'll be turning 23 in June. She looks oki doki and expect to see more of her in the future.
Just did a Yuuka solo post ten days ago and can't believe I forgot to add this in. It's from the January issue of Bubka and she shared the cover with Hono who is another second generation member I like, she turned 22 last October. Seems all of the new members twenty and above I tend to like, really don't pay too much attention to the younger ones. After the pics have a video of that 'Summoner's War' event which is kind of long at 23 minutes. But if you're a fan would recommend viewing it as it's so rare when there's a video for a Keya event.
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