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Friday, March 5, 2021

Mizuki Fukumura: Her soon to be legendary new Young Gangan spread plus a few other tidbits....


 Two months ago did a Mizuki post which I said may be unsurpassable for 2021. Don't know if it'll stay that way but for now it could be the #1 post to date, if you missed it right above is the link to it. Not a lot of new activities in two months but when I can do a post for her I jump at the chance. So Mizuki now has two for this year and that's after having ZERO(!) for 2020, what a lost year it was for her and Morning Musume. Mizuki has been such a long time fave and had 28 posts by the end of 2019 so she had averaged seven posts a year for the previous four.

 When I eventually do my all time hottest/sexy/alluring 25 women of all time list Mizuki will be way, way up there. Not in the number one position or even #2 but perhaps in the top five and not many in history can top her sultry looks and figure. But as far as the next all time faves list goes not sure if she would make that one though it could easily happen. The problem with Hello Project members is that they don't do a lot of activities outside of their 'smallish world'. Such as appearing in regular dramas or films, being models for sites and magazines plus never attend events unless it's a group one. The members are all busy doing Hello Project things but very few are really that interesting, But at one time there were a lot of H!P dramas and films, there hasn't been any for many years which is a shame as most were quite enjoyable.

 Needed to stretch out the intro a bit as there aren't too many new things. But didn't want to hold on the mag spread as it's a dazzling set of pics plus Mizuki has become so immensely popular here over the years. In her last post talked about Morning Musume's last single that came out in December, it had been their first one in ten months which may be the group's longest gap ever between them. Sales for their singles are quite consistent, that one has sold about 120,000 copies to date which is a bit lower than their others but all singles these days are selling a bit less. The A-side to it was "Junjou Evidence" and had the PV for it in her last post. The other tune was called "Gyuusaretai Dake na no ni" and here's the PV to that though it's not subbed like the other one was: PV

 In MIzuki's last post had some Hello Project cards but most were oldies. Have some more for today which are from the last 2 1/2 years but the bottom one is brand new.

 Mizuki posts more IG pics than just about any other Idol and to me they all rate an A+. These are all from the past month and could have had many more.

 In October Mizuki will be turning 25 years old and in the past that was kind of an unwritten rule for Hello Project members to graduate at that age. But think they've loosened that up a bit and if you ask me she'll be hanging around after that birthday, truly hope so. Now on to the main reason for the post which was the new mag spread but first are some fabulous pics from the photo shoot. Have noticed in the new pics she's changed her hair style and to me she somehow looks even more perfect.

 It's been a while since she appeared in Young Gangan and this issue is dated for March 19th. But from 2015-19 don't think anyone was in the magazine as often as Mizuki did and she must have been their cover girl at least fifteen times, every single spread was naturally breathtaking. Usually there's a video of the photo shoot for the mag but often it doesn't come out right away which is the case for today. There's plenty of other gravure videos on YT but I always post them so will end off with something different. After the pics have her solo video of the "Gyuusaretai Dake na no ni" song that was posted above and Mizuki does look like a trillion yen in it.

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