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Sunday, March 7, 2021

"G Senjou no Anata to Watashi" drama: Episode five recap


 Air Dates: October 15th until December 17, 2019 on TBS, Thursdays at 10:00 pm
Average Rating: 7.7%, subs were done by Aoihachi
Also goes by the title of You and I on the G-String

Main Cast: Not sure what city this takes place in but it's set in Ishikawa prefecture, perhaps the city of Kanazawa? At the beginning of the first show it was mid April 2018 and by it's end it was already June. In this episode we're quickly up to the end of March 2019.

Haru as Yaeko Kogure.... 27 year old woman who quit her OL job in the first episode and also then she was dumped by her boyfriend. Shortly after that Yaeko heard Mao playing the violin at an event to draw new students, she was hooked on becoming a master right from that moment. At the moment Yaeko is still unemployed living with her parents.

Taishi Nakagawa as Rihito Kase.... College student who is twenty and lives at home with his married brother, his wife and the parents. Rihito too heard Mao playing the violin at the event and joined her class but he does have a past with her.

Yuki Matsushita as Yukie Kitagawa.... The third student in the class who also attended the event held in a mall. Yukie is much older than the other pair as she's in her forties, she has a husband and an eleven year old daughter but isn't too happy with her marriage. Had to leave the trio back in the third show due to her mother-in-law having a stroke but is about to rejoin.

Yuki Sakurai as Mao Kuzumi.... Works as a violin instructor at a musical school and is teaching the three newbies above. She's 27 in age and was recently dumped by her boyfriend, of all people it was Rihito's brother and Rihito does have a crush on Mao.

Nobuyuki Suzuki as Yuto Kase.... Rihito's brother who is about 27 in age and works in an office. He had been Mao's boyfriend but got another woman pregnant and had to marry her.

Karen Takizawa as Fumi Kase.... Yuto's pregnant wife and actually quite a nice woman.

 There's a few other minor characters, will add them in if their roles become larger.

Links to the previous episodes:

 Just added the links in for the previous posts, would probably help to skim through them a bit if you haven't already read them. This is the halfway point in the series, following this have the post for the sixth episode. Then will take a break to view the final four shows and have all of those recaps in a row. The time is flying in this series, it started out in June 2018. Now it's already late March 2019 which is three months after the last episode was which was just prior to Christmas. 

 Haven't viewed the next episode yet as they take a while to get. So where we stand at the moment is that Yaeko is the only one from the original trio still playing the violin. In the last recap was wondering if there was a second session to the class and there is, Mao is still the instructor and as this show began Yaeko is her only student. Also in that last recap Yaeko had finally been job hunting after quitting her OL position five months prior, no success but she was trying quite hard. But in this episode there wasn't one mention of Yaeko looking for employment and have no idea what happened, did she get a bit discouraged in the three months since episode four?

 Those top two screenshots are of Yaeko running into her ex-boyfriend after not talking to him since that June day when he broke off the engagement. His name is Satoshi and he's really not a bad person but did make such a boneheaded mistake. Satoshi still works for the company where Yaeko worked at, she quit because she thought she would be getting married! The pair talked over what had been happening to them over the last nine months but after such a devastating breakup it wasn't that easy to get that personal. Satoshi had found another girlfriend which was the main reason for leaving Yaeko, but he's recently broke up with her but there's no way this pair could become a couple again. After that encounter Yaeko had run into Rihito's older brother Yuto who works as a salesman for a medical company. He had seen Yaeko trying to order contact lenses but the store was out, it just so happened he had a huge supply of them which he sold to her. 

 That's kind of odd as contacts need a prescription and he happened to have the correct ones? More on why Yaeko needed them but let's turn to Rihito for a bit. After being rejected by Mao he didn't continue on with the violin lessons and he was the best of the trio, he's actually quit playing for the time being. Rihito is attending Joshuu University studying to be a sports therapist, because of that Mao contacted him for some help. We didn't know at first what the problem was but did see Rihito bringing her to his college to meet a specialist. The problem Mao has isn't too common but many musicians get it which is called Focal Dystonia. It's a hand condition and it's more common for those who play the violin or other string instruments, for now only Rihito and Mao's boss know of it.

 Mao has had that condition for a few years now, twice she went to America to study but had to leave because of the problem. Not even Rihito's older brother Yuto knew of Mao's condition, they had been going out together for over a year. Yuto left her as he got another woman pregnant and with her keeping that info a secret perhaps they really weren't as close as Yuto thought they were. Not much else about Mao this episode but she is good enough to be a professional musician but that condition is preventing it, to date there's no 100% cure. Shortly after Rihito was with his brother he ran into Yaeko at their old stomping grounds which was a karaoke bar. Will get more into them after the next paragraph but Yaeko had told him she's been going to matchmaking parties though with zero success. Those contacts were for those parties as she thought she'd look a bit more attractive, she looks fine either way.

 No success that is until her tenth party where she met the above man Keiichi, the pair seemed to hit it off immediately but that was more of his thinking. But Yaeko's goal is to get married though she's not really sure why, at 28 in age she's certainly not a spinster. Keiichi is the kind of man many women may like, not a handsome chap but has a solid job and graduated from a fine university. However he is a bit too pushy and on their first date Keiichi had already laid out plans for where they would live after the marriage! Yaeko thought things were moving a tad too quickly which they were but she did agree to s second date. Same thing took place as Keiichi seemed to have their whole future planned to a T, Yaeko began wondering if she may have made a mistake?

 That she did and didn't quite realize it until she ran into Rihito again after not seeing him for three months. Though there's an eight year age difference, she's 28 and Rihito twenty, the pair can talk to each other so openly. Yaeko admitted the man she would like to be with is one with Keiichi's income but more importantly one she can speak to like she does with Rihito. Didn't take long for Yaeko to make her mind up on what to do as the following day she broke it off with Keiichi and that was a wise move. Another wise move was getting Rihito to being playing the violin again, after that mini reunion with Yaeko he's decided to pick the instrument back up and he had really missed the lessons.

 You will see in a few screenshots that Yaeko was wearing her new contacts. However to Rihito she looked so much better with glasses, which in a way I think is true too, so Yaeko soon ditched those contacts. Above you can see Yaeko with some great news, Yukie is coming back to the class. For over three months she had been caring for her mother-in-law who had a stroke, in that time she hadn't picked up the violin and sounded horrible when she played again after that long gap. That mother-in-law is a bit of a devil but finally came to her senses as she realized how much Yukie had been doing for her, she asked if Yukie had missed playing the violin? Of course she said yes and the next thing Yukie knew the devil said she should return to the classes. 

 Which she'll be doing in the next episode but it took a while for her to back up to speed. Rihito too as by now Yaeko may have passed him as far as playing goes but he'll probably end up being the best of the trio again. Rihito also wants the trio to perform at another concert, the first time they did at a recital was a disaster but his duo performance with Yaeko went quite well. In the final scene Yaeko explained everything about that potential marriage to Rihito and as mentioned those two can talk so easily with each other. Once again Rihito asked Yaeko why she needed to get married, once again she had no good answer to the question which ended this episode off. 

 Have no clue how this show will end off, possibly with Yaeko and Rihito becoming a couple? There is an eight year age difference but as time goes on that won't mean as much. The only minor complaint is that there hasn't been enough violin playing in the last two shows but think that'll be changing in the next episode. That recap is the next post but haven't viewed the episode yet. 

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