.... of course not her final appearance here!!!! That top pic is in the running for being my all time one from a Nogi member but they have so many dazzling ones how could one ever make a list of their faves? As far as faves go there haven't been many as huge to me as Miona has been the past few years and how I will miss her but also realize the world won't stop spinning because of her graduation. That farewell concert took place on March 28th but haven't obtained it yet but sure I will soon but am holding out for a subbed version and have a good feeling that one may be done.
Hopefully she's not referring to this post and also hope that second pic doesn't send everyone fleeing! Though this was
Miona's final time on the show and her last concert took place on Saturday she's still an 'unofficial' Nogi member until April 26th, on that they'll be shutting down her blog but she is opening her own fan site. Will have a regular post coming up very soon or hope to, she's had four since early February so there's not a huge amount of pics and news.
Been a while since I recapped one of these 'Construction' shows and they were so good in the beginning. But they faded a bit over the years and weren't as interesting, also didn't help when too often the show revolved around the fourth generation members. But there was no way I was missing Miona's final appearance and this was a decent show, wish more were like this one but then again maybe not as it means someone is graduating. This was episode #302 and thanks to the GEES site for doing the subs so quickly.

Will try not to have too much text and let the screenshots tell the story, took seventy for a show that was just a little less than 25 minutes. Bananaman have been the hosts of this variety show since day one, as mentioned it's already up to it 302nd episode. Above is one member of Bananaman who is Himura and he announced the theme of the show which was naturally her 'Gradutation Commemoration'. Have seen 3-4 other farewell shows for a member but this was by the far the best. The reason being
Miona really cared about her second generation members and the eight are truly friends who I hope stay in touch. So while the other graduation shows focused on that member which does make sense this one mainly revolved around all eight second generation members and which one will take her place as being the 'leader' of the pack which now only numbers seven?
Quite a neat thing
GEES did was to include the name of the member who was speaking as you can see above. To start the show off was a long segment which lasted over ten minutes or about half the show. The location was actually a studio but the gals dubbed it the 'Second Generation House' and I'd love to have them as my housemates!!!! All eight had a good amount of screen time during this segment which didn't get too mushy as
Miona wanted this to be a joyous occasion. Lot of activities took place but sure this segment was whittled down as it may have lasted for a couple of hours.
With Idols the main thing that always takes place is eating and doesn't management feed them enough? The group voted and decided on a hotpot of Kimchi along with some Yakiniku, we didn't see too much of them cooking but to me think they did prepare most of the meal. Of course he kitchen was too tiny for all eight members so there were some other activities going on such as Karaoke and some word games. Such as fill in the blank for '
Who ____ the most?' which included who is the most talkative, hardest working, etc. So all of these things definitely had to be edited to fit into the show and I wouldn't have minded watching this for three or so hours.
Wished my drama recaps flowed along this easily, probably be a wise idea to have this kind of format for them. After the meal it was time for the individual members to give their farewells to
Miona and was surprised no gal broke down in tears but she did say it was supposed to be a joyous occasion.
No need to discuss every single thing that took place, that's why there's so many screenshots. So after the above it was back to the studio and it seemed the entire army of Nogi members were there or at least most. My impression is that most were impressed with how this graduation was handled and hopefully it'll start a trend. Didn't see the show but a while back there was an episode called 'Punishment Game' where if you couldn't perform a somewhat simple task you were put on the punishment roll but could get off it. However to date
Miona was still on that list and the task she couldn't do was to bounce a ball on a racquet five times, the hosts gave her the chance to redeem herself for her final Nogi activity.
The object of the 'Racquetball Rally' game was to bounce the ball on your racquet five times and pass it to the next person. There were seven in the game and last up would have been
Miona. Say
would have been as the ball didn't make it to her, not once but twice as the hosts gave her mates a second chance. Not wanting to see her remain on that 'punishment list' yet another version of the game was played but this time with only five members.

Those first four in line were quite good at bouncing a ball on their racquet as it made it down to Miona in no time. Though an excellent dancer she's kind of a klutz at sports and games, she could only bounce the ball twice before missing. Time was dwindling on the show and one more chance wa squeezed in, wonder if they had to cut anything else out of the show. Luckily the fourth time was the charm thanks to some savvy playing by Bananaman and guess who is no longer on the punishment list?
When the competition was finished there was barely three minutes left in the show which left very little time for an interview. But don't think
Miona minded that as she doesn't like to promote herself all that much, hope that doesn't hurt her solo career. Above she mentioned about doing theater work but I don't know if she's ever been in a play, to me she may make for a better variety show host and especially for a quirky/oddball one. That wraps up this post and most of these shows aren't too popular here but couldn't pass on doing
Miona's final show. Plenty more screenshots to view, next month she'll have a graduation photobook coming out on the 20th so hopefully can do 3-4 posts in April. Don't know how long it'll remain on YT but after the pics have a video of this episode though not subbed.
EDIT: Didn't remain up for long and it's getting tiring seeing how many YT videos get deleted.
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