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Hajimemashite minna san....welcome to my site on my fave Japanese Pop Culture likes such as dramas, movies, magazine scans, promo events etc. Mainly concentrate on my faves...Risa Watanabe... Miku Tanaka... Yui Kobayashi....Miyuki Watanabe.... Nene Shida.... if you're a fan at all of any of them then you've come to the right place(!) but many others are featured here besides them. Do mainly quick reviews on things I've watched, try to make the reviews brief, quick to read through with not too many spoilers, just whether they're good or bad and why I thought so plus whether you may find them enjoyable. Many, many screenshots are included from everything I've watched plus any video trailers if they're available. Hope you find something that interests you, don't hesitate to comment, arigato gozaimasu!

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Monday, March 1, 2021

Risa Watanabe: Her overly distinguished 41st post!!!!


 Thanks for waiting out that slowish period, this should be the first post of about nine and will have another batch coming up later on today. Could have done a few of these posts last week but thought it'd be better to wait a few extra days and especially for the Keya/Nogi posts. Wrote this and those posts up three days ago and was just waiting for hopefully many pics from yesterday's 'Tokyo Girls Collection' show. Hope the wait wasn't for nothing and there's some fabulous pics from the show, we seldom see any of the '46' members at events these days which I really miss. 
 EDIT: Decided against having this the leadoff of the nine posts as there's not as many new pics as I was hoping for and think the above post viewers will enjoy more. Hopefully the order doesn't matter and you'll view all of the posts, will have five more in about ten hours.

 EDIT #2: The details just came out a few hours ago but just before I published this post learned Keya's second single under their new name of Sakura will be coming out on April 14th. Think the title will be "Ban" and will have more info in upcoming post.

 Have moaned a bit about the lack of Risa posts, she's right there for being my #1 current fave and that's been the case for two years. But in reality she does have a good amount of posts, last year it was ten solo ones and this is her second one in the past month. Guess it's just when you're such a massive fave I can never get enough of them. Still not much going on with Keya who are now called Sakura but I'm stubborn and will always refer to them as Keya. But with the situation in Japan we really can't expect too much from most actresses and Idols, you've noticed that the last month with the sparse amount of posts but March will be so much busier here.

 Have said a few times how I'd like to see Risa do more acing. The only thing I've seen her in are the two Keya dramas and thought she did a solid performance in both but no roles outside of those. But on March 7th she'll be in a special '46' TV movie called "Borderless" which has four segments and stars members of all of the three groups. She'll be the star of her segment which is called 'Runaway' which is about her and her sister fleeing from home. Hopefully that show will be subbed and really would expect it to be so will recap the show when it happens. 

 Not a lot of variety for today but do have 35 new pics and that's before the ones from the TGC show are added in. I like Risa more than ever and that's even with such a slowdown with Keya activities but her popularity has really waned this past year. In 2019 she was the most popular gal here by how many views her posts got, that average was over 1,100. But in 2020 that average dropped in half and she ended up in 17th place, where did her fans go to? It is a mystery as almost everyone else's average increased by a hefty amount, just above her in 16th place year was her good Keya mate. No post for her today or tomorrow but there should be one sometime next week.

 Yui was at the TGC show too but also doesn't have that many new pics which is why I'll wait another week. Did say there were 35 new pics and when you add the twenty in from the show it ends up being 55 but it really doesn't seem like that many. Not all are new for 2021 such as this first batch of cards from 2018 for the 'KeyaKise' web game. Starting to run out of them, Nogi has had many new cards the last two months and why can't Keya?

 Have a few recent pics from Keya's 'Dairy' group blog. Not enough members post often on it and sadly that's the case for most of Nogi's members, meanwhile Hina has so many new pics it's hard to keep up with. Though Risa is such a massive fave of mine have to admit she does such a bad job at doing blog posts and the only pics you'll see her in are from other member's entries.

 Didn't mean that as a putdown as I could never say anything bad about her. In about a month Risa will be celebrating her fourth anniversary as a Non-no model. So far this year there's been a lack of new pics at their site, not just for her but most other models that I like.

 However she does have a decent spread in their April issue but the last seven months she's only had three other solo spreads outside of NN. What's been happening is that the second generation members are getting too big of a push and too many from 1G are suffering because of that.

 On to the February 28th Spring/Summer 'Tokyo Girls Collection' show. It was held at the Yoyogi First Gymnasium where no audience was allowed but it was streamed live, the arena can hold 13,000+ fans for these events. Risa always looks superb at these shows but on occasion what she has to wear isn't exactly dazzling. But she did have two appearances on stage, this first batch took place on the 'Moment+' stage and these pics are really only so-so to me.

 Much better pics here though I wish she wasn't wearing a coat. Risa's second stroll on stage was a mini one promoting yet another new Aeon Keya credit card, five other members were also promoting it. That solo strut above only lasted for fifteen seconds so after have a video for the Aeon card promotion featuring other members, it starts at the 5:20 mark.

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