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Sunday, March 7, 2021

"G Senjou no Anata to Watashi" drama: Episode six recap


 Air Dates: October 15th until December 17, 2019 on TBS, Thursdays at 10:00 pm
Average Rating: 7.7%, subs were done by Aoihachi
Also goes by the title of You and I on the G-String

Main Cast: Not sure what city this takes place in but it's set in Ishikawa prefecture, perhaps the city of Kanazawa? At the beginning of the first show it was mid April 2018 and by it's end it was already June. In this episode we're quickly up to the end of March 2019.

Haru as Yaeko Kogure.... 28 year old woman who quit her OL job in the first episode and also then she was dumped by her boyfriend. Shortly after that Yaeko heard Mao playing the violin at an event to draw new students, she was hooked on becoming a master right from that moment. At the moment Yaeko is still unemployed living with her parents.

Taishi Nakagawa as Rihito Kase.... College student who is twenty and lives at home with his married brother, his wife and the parents. Rihito too heard Mao playing the violin at the event and joined her class but he does have a past with her.

Yuki Matsushita as Yukie Kitagawa.... The third student in the class who also attended the event held in a mall. Yukie is much older than the other pair as she's in her forties, she has a husband and an eleven year old daughter but isn't too happy with her marriage. Had to leave the trio back in the third show due to her mother-in-law having a stroke but is about to rejoin.

Yuki Sakurai as Mao Kuzumi.... Works as a violin instructor at a musical school and is teaching the three newbies above. She's 28 in age and was recently dumped by her boyfriend, of all people it was Rihito's brother and Rihito does have a crush on Mao.

Nobuyuki Suzuki as Yuto Kase.... Rihito's brother who is about 27 in age and works in an office. He had been Mao's boyfriend but got another woman pregnant and had to marry her.

Karen Takizawa as Fumi Kase.... Yuto's pregnant wife and actually quite a nice woman.

 There's a few other minor characters, will add them in if their roles become larger.

Links to the previous episodes:

 Just added the links in for the previous posts, would probably help to skim through them a bit if you haven't already read them. Did make two minor changes to the above which were of ages as both Yaeko and Mao turned 28, the time is now April 2019. Bit more happened in this show compared to the last pair so let's get right to the action.

 That top screenshot is of Mao explaining to Rihito what she's doing for her hand problem. In the last episode Mao revealed to him that she has Focal Dystonia which is a hand condition which many musicians get but usually not until they're a bit older. Mao is 28 and just turned that during this episode, her attitude towards Rihito and and his brother Yuto did change quite a bit since the last recap. There's an eight year age difference between Mao and Rihito which is one reason she rejected his advances two episodes ago. But she's suddenly warming up to him again and not sure why, neither does Rihito but Yaeko thought she just wanted and needed a friend. That made sense but what didn't was that she also went out for a birthday drink with Rihito's brother Yuto and that's right above. A little over a year ago he dumped Mao after dating her for quite a while, it was because he got another woman pregnant!

 After that Mao naturally felt some hatred towards Yuto but that also seems to be disappearing. He had called Mao to ask her out for a drink and to our surprise she said yes. The couple did have a good time though it was only for that one drink, think the actions of Mao and Yuto are making us wonder what's going on, a possible reconciliation? Haven't watched any show past this one but guess it could be possible. Also a bit curious about Yuto's actions is his new wife Fumi who just had their baby son four months ago. Yuto has changed a bit a home, not that he's mean or anything like that but has become much more quiet and to me Fumi seems to be wondering if her husband may not be fooling around. He isn't but will that last much longer?

 This drama is based upon a trio learning the violin but not much of it the last two shows nor the beginning of this one but the playing does pick up in the second half of the show. That last recap we learned that Yaeko had joined a matchmaking club and after nine dud parties seemed to hit pay dirt with a man named Keiichi. However that soon fell through after two dates as he was kind of a pushy type of man and Yaeko has confessed to Rihito all about her troubles with him. Also that she quit the club and has finally taken Rihito's advice about not being too eager to get married. It's been a bit easy to tell that Yaeko has had eyes on Rihito as they get along so well but there is that eight year age difference. Yaeko finally showed us her jealous side and it was after Rihito's classmate Yua came to their practice session to watch. The pair have never gone out on a date but still Yaeko is so overly jealous and don't think either noticed it that much or didn't say so.

 Rihito has been the reason the pair haven't gone out on a date but it appears the two will be taking in a movie after the practice session. Yua has been after Rihito since the first show and to me she seems like she'd be a decent person to have as a girlfriend, we didn't hear much about with them after that scene though. Finally the trio is back together after a four month stretch as Yukie had to leave the violin class to take care of her mother-in-law who had a stroke. But she's feeling much better and told Yukie she needed to start playing again so she could start living a bit more normally. That four months without playing has really affected Yukie and she will need to start practicing like crazy. Rihito too as he was the by far the best player of the trio but after the duet he played with Yaeko in December he had rarely picked the violin up.

 Good to see the trio reunited and they do want to perform at another concert again. But will they as a mini spat did happen during the session. While they were getting some drinks Rihito had asked why was Yaeko seeing her ex-boyfriend Satoshi again? That was the first we heard of it and he learned it from Yukie. It's been ten months since Yaeko broke up with Satoshi or should I say when he dumped her. But recently his father had a stroke and Yaeko had liked the man so visited him a few times at the hospital. Of course Satoshi was there and Yaeko is once again getting along so well with him, should she give the man who dumped her a second chance? Hearing that made Rihito so furious and is he too jealous of a possible relationship? He shouldn't be, yes he was rejected by Mao and has never dated Yaeko but needs to realize that the girl chasing him Yua would be a fine catch.

 So Yaeko isn't officially seeing Satoshi again which she tried to explain to Rihito who wouldn't listen and stormed out of the practice session. Yukie overheard the spat and truly felt to bad, she's a nice woman who doesn't say much but when she does she often creates uneasiness. In that bottom screenshot above is Yaeko talking to her cousin Han-chan who is pregnant with twins. Yaeko finally opened up about her biggest problem which is that she doesn't like being alone, that's the main reason she's been so gung-ho about getting married but also perhaps the biggest reason she's still single. She also confessed those feelings to Mao at a class where she was the only one to show up. At first she could understand Yaeko's feelings but after a while told her it felt like whining to Mao. Both just turned 28 in age and though they're so similar both are also quite different, Mao was a bit more peeved than she showed to Yaeko.

 That conversation with Mao did knock a bit of sense into Yaeko, another problem she's had is that she's been unemployed for ten months and has stopped her job search. Yaeko's real passion these days is trying to learn the violin so much better, she also really wants to have another concert with her two mates. So Yaeko knew it was up to her to get the ball rolling, first she contacted and had a nice heart to heart talk with Yukie. Yukie is still having minor problems in her household but is eager to play again too as a trio and is all in for another concert.

 Rihito is too but now Yaeko is wondering about that as he blew off a practice session with her. Not entirely his fault as he did oversleep and in his rush to pack his violin into it's case his bow broke so he blew off the practice though could have called. Rihito is now in his third year at Joshuu University majoring in being a sports therapist. Seems he's doing well as he's got a Summer internship at a hospital and will that affect his playing the violin? No matter how many times Rihito says he's quitting the instrument he never does and went to the local music shop to get a new bow. And who should be there but Yaeko who tried ignore him but of course there's no way Rihito wouldn't notice her. Yaeko had been at the shop to check out the prices of new violins, it's not that they're overly expensive but when you haven't worked for ten months then money could definitely be a problem.

 It was for Yaeko who decided that perhaps what would make her sound better would also be a brand new bow, how can one choose which is the best?  A player really can't while playing an instrument so Rihito stepped and tried the new bow performing the song "Sometime" which is the tune the trio are thinking of doing at their second concert. What a difference a new and improved bow can make for a violin player so Yaeko decided on a bow instead of a new violin. Meanwhile the main reason Rihito went there was to buy himself a new one which never happened though he now has Yaeko's old one to use. Every episode ends on an upbeat note which never continues on into the next show. As they were taking a stroll after leaving the music shop Rihito surprised Yaeko with a birthday gift. Not exactly a romantic one as it was a bag of rosin to use when she played the violin. Oh well, it's the thought that counts and least for now Rihito is back in the trio which ended this show off.

 Left out a few Yukie happenings which mainly were about her home life. As the episode ended it was up in the air what would be happening with them so thought it'd work out better discussing them in the next recap once we know more. Have one other drama that's being recapped, will do a pair of posts for that first and then do the final four posts for this show which should be in about ten days. Bit of a slow moving show but have to admit I'm really enjoying it for some reason and probably because of Haru.

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