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Hajimemashite minna san....welcome to my site on my fave Japanese Pop Culture likes such as dramas, movies, magazine scans, promo events etc. Mainly concentrate on my faves...Risa Watanabe... Miku Tanaka... Yui Kobayashi....Miyuki Watanabe.... Nene Shida.... if you're a fan at all of any of them then you've come to the right place(!) but many others are featured here besides them. Do mainly quick reviews on things I've watched, try to make the reviews brief, quick to read through with not too many spoilers, just whether they're good or bad and why I thought so plus whether you may find them enjoyable. Many, many screenshots are included from everything I've watched plus any video trailers if they're available. Hope you find something that interests you, don't hesitate to comment, arigato gozaimasu!

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Sunday, March 28, 2021

Marie Iitoyo: Has finally hit the century mark for....


 ... for posts of course(!), not quite the number yet for age. Didn't plan on having any kind of special post for hitting the 100 milestone and this one certainly isn't anything fitting for that rare occasion. But wanted to get this done by the end of the month and while not a large amount of new things have plenty for her growing fan base to enjoy. Good thing I'm doing this post or there wouldn't have been one for today. Up until a year ago the busiest days of the week were from Friday to Sunday, now for some reason they've become the slowest and the middle of the week is now much busier.

 Think Marie does need to gobble something down as this is her fifth post for March so that's the main reason for not many new pics. It's also her eighth post of the year which means she's going at a pace to have 32 which will be another record, last year she set a new one with 26 posts. Hitting a hundred is an achievement as it hasn't happened here for an actress since 2017. But then again that total pales a tad to who is the overall leader and she should hit 400 posts this year! Even though Marie has way more than anyone else these days it'd still take her ten years to catch her mate....

 Both mega faves were in the 'Video Girl: Ai 2018" drama which was a decent series, both also had a new drama start up within the last two weeks but two different shows. They don't have many views but finished up recapping Marie's drama 'Kimi no Sekai' two days ago. I enjoyed the series as I gave it a rating of 8.7/10, a second season began a few minutes after the first one ended though on a different network. That season's second episode airs tonight and once the subs are done for it will have recaps for the first two shows.

 Kanae was the name of her character, not much screen time in the first four shows but after that Kanae became a very key part of the story. She really changed as she was a 22 year old college junior who in a way was kind of introverted, Kanae even admitted to her first 'love' she had never fallen for a man and was quite cold hearted. But her personality really changed over the second half of the series and Kanae even became a skilled archer. She also learned to use a knife as once she stabbed a Golem in the head, those creatures were basically Zombies. Lot of people died and even a few major characters but Kanae was one to survive and some screenshots from the final four shows.

 To me Marie is a fine overall actress but much better in more serious dramas, still haven't found her 2020 horror movie "Stare" which she had the lead role in. Do have some new modeling pics, her last post was just nine days ago and with five since March 1st of course there's not many new things. This batch is from the More magazine site and all are from the past week.

 Usually when there's not many new pics I'll wait a while but as mentioned wanted to get post #100 out of the way. Plus I can never get enough of Marie who is becoming the runaway leader for my all time #1 woman though won't be doing that list until a year from now. Second batch of new pics are from the Oggi site and she'll be in their next issue, I really like that bottom pic though all are superb.

 Oooops, do have a few other brand new pics which are for Uniqlo.

 Do have most of Marie's older things or at least most since the beginning of 2018 when she turned twenty. But this mag spread is honestly one I don't recall posting which easily could have happened as I wasn't as ga-ga about her two years ago though she was still a huge fave. This set is from the September 8, 2019 issue of ar and I'm about 98% certain this terrific spread had never been seen here though don't bet the mortgage on it.

 Even if there were no new current pics I can always make Marie's post fabulous and though it may have seemed like a small one there were over eighty pics. This final batch are half old pics and half that weren't included in the original post. They're from January 30, 2019 and the first screening of the film "Tiger: My Life as a Cat", it's premiere was on February 15th. Had a mini post with ten pics but have twice that amount for today and you-know who looked dandy, top is a promo one. Following the pics is a longish video from March 21st with Marie promoting her new 2021 calendar. Shame there was no event as she looks so tremendous in the video but even I couldn't watch all of it it as it's so long but it's worth skimming through.

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