Welcome to this Baka's blog on his fave Japanese Pop Culture interests.
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Hajimemashite minna san....welcome to my site on my fave Japanese Pop Culture likes such as dramas, movies, magazine scans, promo events etc. Mainly concentrate on my faves...Risa Watanabe... Miku Tanaka... Yui Kobayashi....Miyuki Watanabe.... Nene Shida....if you're a fan at all of any of them then you've come to the rightplace(!) but many others are featured here besides them. Do mainly quick reviews on things I've watched, try to make the reviews brief, quick to read through with not too many spoilers, just whether they're good or bad and why I thought so plus whether you may find them enjoyable. Many, many screenshots are included from everything I've watched plus any video trailers if they're available. Hope you find something that interests you, don't hesitate to comment, arigato gozaimasu!
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Wednesday, December 6, 2023
Akari Suda: For those half dozen who also can never get tired of her....
Hope that total is at least six, if not my competition should be easy to topple! It's rare when a post is done for someone this close to when their position comes up on the faves list but can always make an exception for Akari. No suspense as who #1 this year will be and actually except for 2019 has there ever been? Have brought it up briefly before which is that over the last few years my bigger faves have not been changing and to me that's a very good thing. This year's top ten features seven who were also in last year's top ten, three between eleven and sixteen also were among last year's top sixteen. So ten or almost 63% are carryovers from last year and that may be a record, it does make sense as this year introduced so few new women and next year could be even lower.
Been trying to find some older photos that had never been in a post before to lead off with, these above six are brand new for here. Akari's next post will be in exactly two weeks and she was the runaway Queen for this year's faves list, she's been so busy over the last four months so it shouldn't be a problem finding enough current things for that post. The 'Nao Year' ended on November 30th, Akari was also number one for the amount of posts as she had 22 and never thought that would be an honor she would have. Wouldn't think she would hit 22 again next year and even a dozen, one a month, would be good enough for me but she will start off strong with two posts this month.
Akari's posts are also close to being the largest as there's also been many older things that had never been posted before which have been added in. Don't think this will be too huge but if I didn't do this one then the post in two weeks would have ended up being too large. Hopefully she's reading this and saying to herself to give her biggest fan Nao many more new pics these next two weeks!!!! Let's begin off with some older Christmas pics and did buy an extra large stocking this year for her to fit into! Am holding back a few pics from the holiday for that next post plus I think I can find a few others.
No new magazine spreads for today and that shouldn't come as a surprise. But Akari will be the cover girl for a mag that will be coming out in two weeks so look forward to that, here's an oldie but goldie from the April 11, 2014 issue of Young Animal.... close to ten years old!!!!
Akari has a popular fan club and holds about half a dozen events a year for the members, her last two were for her October 31st 32nd birthday. The day after Akari released her second essay book which was also partly a photobook, it's done real well as in it's first three weeks out the book has been in the top ten for sales. Books don't sell as well these days but bet the total sold so far is around 4,000 copies and that seems like a decent amount to me. There's been four fan signing events for the book, this small batch is from December 2nd when she was at the Tower Records store in Umeda.
The title of the essay book is "Ganko", here's more event pics which I think are out of this world! On November 25th Akari was at the Hoshino Shoten Kintetsu Passe store in Nagoya which is where she lives, most of her events do take place in the area.... talk about a woman being overly adorable....
The last few months her pace has been non stop so she does deserve a nap now and again. Will end off with these fabulous photos from Akari's IG page, they go from November 21st until three days ago. That first pic is one from her "Ganko" essay book and whew, looking better than ever. Her next fan club event will be on December 23rd and of course it'll be a party for Christmas. No recent videos but in the batch below are some pics of Akari filming two new CM's and hope at least one is out for her next post. She hasn't uploaded anything to her Vlog in a while so after the pics have an encore from her SKE graduation concert that took place thirteen months ago and is quite teary....
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