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Hajimemashite minna san....welcome to my site on my fave Japanese Pop Culture likes such as dramas, movies, magazine scans, promo events etc. Mainly concentrate on my faves...Risa Watanabe... Miku Tanaka... Yui Kobayashi....Miyuki Watanabe.... Nene Shida.... if you're a fan at all of any of them then you've come to the right place(!) but many others are featured here besides them. Do mainly quick reviews on things I've watched, try to make the reviews brief, quick to read through with not too many spoilers, just whether they're good or bad and why I thought so plus whether you may find them enjoyable. Many, many screenshots are included from everything I've watched plus any video trailers if they're available. Hope you find something that interests you, don't hesitate to comment, arigato gozaimasu!

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Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Hinatazaka46: Their 'Uni's on Air' game pics for December part one plus many other goodies....


 Haven't mentioned the name of Yuka here in a while and that's because she had done so little after graduating in July. But in January she'll have the lead female role in a drama which will be her first outside of Hina. So am hoping there will be some things to promote it so she could perhaps have a post, it begins in five weeks but don't know much about it at this point. The title says Part One and there may be two more of these game posts coming up this month though of course they contain much more than game pics. December tends to be a slowish period for Idol groups, most have X-Mas concerts though not much else.

 Sigh, hope Yuka didn't give her any tips about how a graduation should be! Then again there was a farewell photobook and that would be a terrific sendoff for her mate. Let's get right to things, first off are these monthly message pics that are added to the Hina site on the first day off a month. Always begin off with Kyoko and her next solo post should be in nine days. Then I always end off with Mikuni and do promise to have her very first solo post very soon, she'll be in her first stage play that opens soon so am waiting for some things from that. The seventh photo down features for the last time Sarina and her graduation concert will be taking place in four days!!!! Wow, didn't realize until now it would be taking place so soon and guess she never had a farewell photobook as there was never any news of it. Though she's had no solo posts Sarina is someone I've liked quite a bit over the years and she has had many pics in these group posts. Let me see how things turn out and if there's a lot of graduation things will do a post for her.

 For now am still holding off with pics for the 4G members, to me they're still getting too much of a push at the expense of other members. Maybe it's just me(probably) but I think the new Keya members are much more attractive and interesting than the new 4G gals who really aren't that new any more. We hadn't from Akari for a while and that's because she went on hiatus for health reasons and didn't participate in the group's Autumn tour. She's now back and I would say after Miku she's the second most popular member I post about but of course wasn't able to have any for a while. She leads off this batch of cards for Hina's last single "Am I Ready?" but the first three are for Halloween. Following her is Mana and she rarely has pics here. She hit the age of 25 in September, all of the first generation members are 25+ in age except for Mirei who will turn 24 in twelve days. 

 Always try to have some members in these posts who don't get a lot of attention. This set features the 3G member Haruyo and is now no longer the only member from Tottori! She doesn't have an IG page so posts her pics at the Hina group blog, bottom two are with her other 3G mates.

 Who I wouldn't mind seeing have a photobook is Ayaka and have never once heard any rumors of her having one. She does have an IG page which is where these new pics are from, the first three are from a recent Bubka magazine photo shoot. 

 That December 9th graduation concert will also be a Christmas show, they usually have two of them. So will have plenty of holiday pics in these December posts and have noticed they have so many more of them than Keya does. 

 No magazine spreads for today but know that three will be coming out shortly and this was a big enough post without any. No recap for the 'Aimashou' variety show either, the last two episodes didn't appear to be all that interesting. Will end off with the promo pics for the 'Uni's on Air' game, this first batch are from November. The game had a tie-in with the Lawson convenience store chain and had some in the last group post. First off are the quartet of Suzuka who just had a solo post, she's followed by Akari who I talked about earlier. Up third is Nao and have noticed she doesn't get mentioned that often in these group posts. Up last is Hinano who is the youngest of the first three generations. 

 Two more 3G members to get to who are Marie and Haruyo, tend to have them back to back as they share the same February 23rd birthday. Last two members for this post that have December game pics are Kyoko and Ayaka. Hina does have a YT channel for member videos and after the pics have one that was uploaded on November 18th. It features Hina who wasn't mentioned today, she paid a visit to a candy store and tried to see how much fun she could have with only 500 yen and it was the third video in this series.


  1. I share your opinion about Sakura's 3rd Gens being superior to Hinata's 4th Gens by quite a lot (except for a coupla girls who are really gorgeous), although watching the latter's "HinaNari" show they've definitely grown on me as I've been noticing talents in members that hadn't picked my eye at first, so I'd once again blame HinaAi blandness there, more than anything else...😅

  2. p.s.
    BTW, have you been following Aki-P's brand new group, "BokuAo" aka "Boku ga Mitakatatta Aozora"? I've just watched a handful of episodes so far, three subbed and the rest RAW, the show reminds me a bit of "NMB48 Geinin!" in that it's more variety-focused, and although it's waaay too early to draw any conclusions about the group, I can already say that a coupla girls are really gorgeous and that the MCs (Choco Planet) might not be as good as Sawabe-Tsuchida, but are definitely better than both Audrey and Bananaman (all imho of course!) ^____-

  3. Have heard of them but will admit I know absolutely zero about the group. Did just do a little checking on them and let me wait a while on them, their second single comes out next month so would think they'll be getting more exposure then. I think the problem may be is that they're a bit too young, saw so many members are from 13 to16 in age.

  4. Yeah, that's always the problem with new groups when they come out, it was the same with Nogi and also with Keya at first, many 1st Gens started at a really young age...I guess it's 'cause the management always plan for the 1st Gen to stick around longer and graduate only when the group is fully established, whereas the following Gens normally are not so young. Anyway their variety seem OK, definitely more focused on comedy (LOL for example when they did a parody of the usual "Bags Check" it was pretty funny indeed! ^_____^)
