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Hajimemashite minna san....welcome to my site on my fave Japanese Pop Culture likes such as dramas, movies, magazine scans, promo events etc. Mainly concentrate on my faves...Risa Watanabe... Miku Tanaka... Yui Kobayashi....Miyuki Watanabe.... Nene Shida.... if you're a fan at all of any of them then you've come to the right place(!) but many others are featured here besides them. Do mainly quick reviews on things I've watched, try to make the reviews brief, quick to read through with not too many spoilers, just whether they're good or bad and why I thought so plus whether you may find them enjoyable. Many, many screenshots are included from everything I've watched plus any video trailers if they're available. Hope you find something that interests you, don't hesitate to comment, arigato gozaimasu!

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Friday, December 22, 2023

Keyakizaka46: Their eighteenth spine tingling post for 2023....


 Bit of a 'spur of the moment' post, know all wanted to see more than the three drama recaps that follow this. Slowish period for Keya and most other groups, they are making many appearances on those end of the year music shows but not much else going on besides that. This may be the final group post for 2023 though would like to do one final 'clean up post' for 2023 happenings next weekend. Though the title says this is the 18th group post of the year the total is actually closer to forty once you add in the 'Uni's on Air' posts. Of course this is Yui leading off and why not as she only has 41 days to go as a Keya member. Haven't heard much about her the last few weeks which is not a bad thing, my hope is that's she's been doing photo shoots for her third and final photobook! EDIT: Was going to include some recent modeling pics for Rika W. who was my first #1 Keya member. Completely forgot about it so you will see plenty of her in the next group post.

 Though it's a 'spur of the moment' post did have close to a hundred photos that had never been posted before so most regular fans should enjoy this post. Why not start off with some IG pics and they belong to Keya's(Sakura) first captain Yuuka, will have something else about her in the next group post. In January she'll be appearing in her first drama since leaving the group thirteen months ago, she has the co-lead in the series and she has appeared in three stage plays this year. I really kike the way Yuuka looks and on November 29th she celebrated her 28th birthday, pics for that are the bottom ones and don't think they had been posted.

 More IG pics which are for Rena and has she been so quiet these last five months! For a while she was so busy with a photobook, center for a single and appearing in a drama but not much lately has been going on with her. Won't be easy but will try to do some sort of post for her right after the new year as she hits the age of 24 on January 2nd.

 About seven weeks ago Minami went on hiatus and she could be out for a few more months so bet she'll become forgotten about. Not with me though as she's always been a huge fave of mine from the group and I truly hope she makes a return as a regular member. Have some older sharp looking Minami cards and pics here for Christmas, some of the cards say Spring but why?

 More Christmas photos and these are for Rina I, used to have so many of her pics in these group posts but not so many recently and in five weeks will be hitting the age of 23.

 That bottom pic above is from two days go, think it's from 'Showroom' so let me check if there's a video of it. What a shortage of magazine spreads this year but have a pair of medium sized ones for two third generation members. First off is Airi and I was never going to have any pics of her in these posts as I thought her age was about fifteen. I was way off on that thinking as she'll be turning nineteen in less than four months, this set is from the August 17th issue of Young Jump.

 The other smallish mag spread is from the November issue of EX-Taishu. It features Yu(u) Murai who hit the age of nineteen back in August, there aren't too many new members 20+ in age but they're not as young as I had presumed.

 Though not a post for the 'Uni's on Air' web game will be ending off with brand new pics for eight members. Every month a member who has a birthday gets an extra four pics, first four are for a birthday gal. Who is Akiho however her pics were late in coming out as she celebrated her 24th birthday back on October 12th. Hmmmm, but there have been no game pics for Marino who turned 22 three days ago. The third generation haven't been having regular game pics but instead a special series which changes each month For December the series is called 'First Pleasure Collection' and will have the seven oldest members, three in this batch and four in the next. After Akiho's b-day pics is Miu, she looks so attractive so can't wait for her to get a bit older. Third up is Yuzuki Nakashima and she'll be hitting the age of 21 in less than two months. I think she looks decent and last in this set is Reina Odakura, will admit I don't know her or some other gals well enough.

 Final batch for this post which did turn out to be much better than expected. That happens often and more so with Keya group posts than it does with the ones for Hina who will have one coming up in a few days. Leading off this batch is the oldest 3G member Rika and will admit I find her to be so attractive, she also seems like such a fun gal. Second up is Nagisa Kojima, she's had a pair of recent mag spreads and is the only member to ever hail from Nagano. You will notice the fourth photo also features another member, third for this set is Yu(u) who I mentioned earlier, did the same for Airi who is the fourth and final member in this batch. Above had mentioned it looked like that new pic for X-Mas was from 'Showroom'. Was wrong with that thought and that's been the case for me too many times as of late!!!! It's an even better video that was uploaded earlier today to Keya's newish YT channel, the video is after these pics and the members are playing a game called Nanjamonja. Had never heard of it before but looked it ip and it does appear to be am interesting game and you can do a quick search for all of the rules and such. It's a bit of a slowish video but then again I did find it entertaining.


  1. Spine TinGling, you mean

    1. Or spine Tengling (As in Yamasaki Ten)

    2. Sigh, guess I need to hire an editor.... hmmmm, seeing as how Yui will be out of a job soon wonder if she would....

    3. LOL any chance Kobayashi might pursue an acting career instead of a proofreading one? ^__^;
      She was pretty good in "JK no Mudazukai" imho!
      Huge THANKS for the 3rd Gens pics, they're just gorgeous!!!

  2. Hate to say it but you may have a point, though she has a lot of positives neve thought academics was one of them! As far as acting goes that may need to be out on hold of a while. Did read today Yui's first project will be to star in an Idol Reality show called "Find the key to Nao's Heart", kind of hoping she comes out on top....
