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Hajimemashite minna san....welcome to my site on my fave Japanese Pop Culture likes such as dramas, movies, magazine scans, promo events etc. Mainly concentrate on my faves...Risa Watanabe... Miku Tanaka... Yui Kobayashi....Miyuki Watanabe.... Nene Shida.... if you're a fan at all of any of them then you've come to the right place(!) but many others are featured here besides them. Do mainly quick reviews on things I've watched, try to make the reviews brief, quick to read through with not too many spoilers, just whether they're good or bad and why I thought so plus whether you may find them enjoyable. Many, many screenshots are included from everything I've watched plus any video trailers if they're available. Hope you find something that interests you, don't hesitate to comment, arigato gozaimasu!

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Saturday, December 9, 2023

Nao's top sixteen Faves for 2023: Position #6, the demurely seductive Miku Tamaka!


 Previous positions

 Wasn't going to write this up for another fourteen hours which would have made it Sunday morning. But if I do have a positive it's that I'm not a procrastinator, if something can be done NOW it will! Plus I may need some extra time for position #5 but sure that post will turn out well. For the last 2+ years no active J-Pop Idol has had kore magazine spreads or been the cover girl more than Miku has and she's blown everyone away! So what's odd is that there's zero new spreads for today, there hasn't been one since the last week of October but she will be in two upcoming ones. The last three weeks of December and the first of January are the slowest period of the year for weekly magazines. So many double up their issues because of the holidays, instead of four issues there ends up being just two. So even though there are no new ones for Miku let's cut her a break as she must have appeared in forty magazines this year plus most spreads were quite large. Got me thinking that was there an Idol who even had half of the amount of spreads she had this year? Not positive but would say NO to that.

 Miku is still an official member of HKT but not really as she's not doing any activities with them and don't think she will be appearing on their upcoming single though she is listed. What she has coming up is her final HKT Theater performance on December 29th, then on March 9th will be her graduation concert. That will take place in Fukuoka which is the home base for HKT but think those two shows will be it. So as far as future plans go know that Miku has a smallish role in a January drama plus is beginning to do some regular modeling. Of course she has to continue with doing these sweltering gravure spreads as that's why she's become so popular, she's someone I follow closely and like immensely so you know the posts for her will never cease! Have heard no rumors but wouldn't a nice farewell gift to her fans be a photobook, her first from over two years ago was so sizzling and these days she looks even better/hotter!

 Last year Miku finished in the ninth position on the faves list, only reason it wasn't higher was I didn't begin posting about her until later on in the year. So she's moved up three spots and would get an award from me for having the best magazine spreads for 2023. Being with HKT may have held Miku back a bit, am hoping we will also begin to see her have some digital books and gravure videos. So while not many recent activities this still should be a terrific post, let's begin off with some older Christmas pics and at 150 cm you won't need a huge stocking for her....

 Did say there are a pair of upcoming magazine spreads, one will be with Bomb and here's some outtake pics from the photo shoot that were at their site.

 Up next are these new pics from Miku's IG page, not as many as usual but she did have more gravure ones. The first five are also from the Bomb magazine photo shoot and what a spread that promises to be, how about those first two pics.... Whewwww....

 Because there's no new mag spreads will end off with Miku's last and first ones of the year. Of course she was the cover girl for both and I truly hope she doesn't slow down with her gravure modeling. This set is the final one for 2023 that I have which is from the November 6th issue of Big Comic Spirits, bottom pics except for the last one are from the photo shoot.

 Last up for today is Miku's first magazine spread for 2023, had it last because I think it was her top one of the year. It's from the January issue of EX-Taishu, all the photos are overly dazzling but to me it's tough to top the final one! To date Miku has had only one semi gravure video and wonder if it was an HKT rule where members couldn't have them? That only semi one came out back in July for the WPB magazine, that's after the pics and both spreads had twenty photos. With a pair of upcoming spreads hopefully can have her next post within two weeks though it may be better to wait until December 29th when her final HKT Theater performance takes place.

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