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Hajimemashite minna san....welcome to my site on my fave Japanese Pop Culture likes such as dramas, movies, magazine scans, promo events etc. Mainly concentrate on my faves...Risa Watanabe... Miku Tanaka... Yui Kobayashi....Miyuki Watanabe.... Nene Shida.... if you're a fan at all of any of them then you've come to the right place(!) but many others are featured here besides them. Do mainly quick reviews on things I've watched, try to make the reviews brief, quick to read through with not too many spoilers, just whether they're good or bad and why I thought so plus whether you may find them enjoyable. Many, many screenshots are included from everything I've watched plus any video trailers if they're available. Hope you find something that interests you, don't hesitate to comment, arigato gozaimasu!

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Wednesday, December 6, 2023

Nao's top sixteen Faves for 2023: Position #8, the flawless Risa Watanabe!


 Previous positions

 In a few of her older posts said why that first photo has some special meaning to me and what a shame we may never see pics like that in the future. Then again that second pic from earlier this year gets an A++++ from me and it's photos like that which has made her my #1 woman of all time!!!! In the previous position post was talking about a quartet of long time favorites who will probably make the list every year as long as they have the six posts that are needed and had a busy enough year. Of course leading that small pack is Risa who has made the list every year since she hit the age of twenty back in 2018. She had eight posts this year which isn't many for her but all were terrific and she has been busier as of late. She's currently in a drama with a huge role, that will end in one week plus I did view her "Borderless" series from 2021 this year. Risa also attends most of those huge fashion shows, think she was at five this year, still does modeling work for Non-no and has kept busy enough to keep her streak alive of always appearing in the top ten.

 Sigh, what a shame we'll probably never see perfect photos like those again. That streak of Risa being in the top ten has reached six years and that's a record, she had been tied with the woman in the 15th position. Since 2018 she has finished seventh, second, sixth, fourth, sixth and now eighth on the yearly list. That works out to an average position of 5.5, that and being in the top ten six years in a row may never be broken and she easily should still add to it. Being consistent is very key here, though never number one for a year Risa was #1 on my 'Top Twenty Faves of All Time' list. This should be a decent sized post but not really positive about that. Risa is the cover girl for a new magazine that just came out but am going to hold on that. Was thinking if I held back that spread for about two weeks there could be some other things to go along with that so perhaps another post just before Christmas would work out well and there's no woman who I would rather see than her under my tree....

 After Risa graduated from Keya back in May 2022 she did remain busy for a while then slowed down on her activities which is so common for ex-Idols. There was a longish gap between posts but starting in May she did up her busyness level and has had six posts since then, think since 2018 only one woman has had more posts but think she'll soon be #1 in that category. Let's get to things and as mentioned before these position posts are the same as regular ones though try to make them a bit larger. Some recent pics from her IG page, for so long there were so few of them but since opening her fan club in August the amount has increased.

 As you can see in the bottom above pics there was a recent fan club event but don't have any photos from it. "Black Familia: Shindoke no Fukushu" is the title of Risa's current drama which has one week to go and it's her largest role in a drama to date which bodes well for the future. The drama just began to be subbed and to date just two episodes have been done. So it could be a while until the series is complete, will wait until that happens and recap all ten episodes. Sana Shido is the name of her character who is a wanna-be journalist and still lives at home with her parents, uncle and younger sister, for the most part they seem like an average family. That is until a tragic incident took place halfway though the first episode and after that they were far from being an average family. 

 Sana is about 25 in age, she has a younger sister named Riria who was a senior in high school and had just landed a small guest spot in a drama. To celebrate that and Riria's birthday the family had scheduled a party for her but Riria never arrived, she had called her mother from school and it appeared something tragic may happen. The Shindo family raced to the high school and entered Riria's classroom, just a few moments later who should go flying by the window than Riria!!!! It seems she may have been pushed from the school's roof and after that the family would become detectives to solve the mystery of her death, it is a very dark yet suspenseful show. So these screenshots are from the first episode and am going to wait until more shows are subbed so I can zip through it instead of waiting a week or more for the next episode to be subbed.

 Before that drama gets recapped still need to finish up season four of "Abunai Deka", right after that will start on a current drama starring a Hina member and by that time hopefully the above series will be completely subbed. Have a few older Keya Christmas cards of Risa but will hold a few back for that next post and will work on getting even more of them.

 Don't have any photos but Risa was at Keya's latest graduation concert along with three other departed members, when that happens wish those grads would join in on a song or two. The next grad concert will take place on February 1st and I fully expect her to be at that show....

 Next April will mark Risa's seventh anniversary as a Non-no model and she's still very busy with them. On occasion she has done some other modeling work this year but none were full time gigs. The bottom eight photos are recent ones from the Non-no site, the ones above are from earlier this year and were too fabulous not to have an encore viewing.

 Do have a trio of new Risa Non-no magazine spreads which meant I could hold back that other new one for an upcoming post. Few of the above pics are in these spreads but those are 'clean versions', have eight pages from their November issue but only three for their December edition.

 Risa is the cover girl for the January issue of Non-no and also has that honor for the other new spread that you will be seeing soon.

 We've hit the end and did give a good reason why this wasn't larger. Since mid 2018 only one other woman has had more posts and who knows, maybe Risa has passed her as I bet she's had ~85 posts in the last 5 1/2 years. So that means there aren't many things I've missed for her during that period so will just end off with some 'greatest photos', there's so many thousands so how can one choose just a small handful of them? There's only been a few videos from the past four months, have a new one for Non-no after the pics where Risa looks so superb but wish it was longer.

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