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Hajimemashite minna san....welcome to my site on my fave Japanese Pop Culture likes such as dramas, movies, magazine scans, promo events etc. Mainly concentrate on my faves...Risa Watanabe... Miku Tanaka... Yui Kobayashi....Miyuki Watanabe.... Nene Shida.... if you're a fan at all of any of them then you've come to the right place(!) but many others are featured here besides them. Do mainly quick reviews on things I've watched, try to make the reviews brief, quick to read through with not too many spoilers, just whether they're good or bad and why I thought so plus whether you may find them enjoyable. Many, many screenshots are included from everything I've watched plus any video trailers if they're available. Hope you find something that interests you, don't hesitate to comment, arigato gozaimasu!

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Friday, December 29, 2023

Maria Makino: Can you think of anyone more deserving of a post?!?!


 As I've said a few times the year is ending off on a strong note, December will have more posts than any month since February. Hoping this slight uptick will continue on into January and don't know why it can't, will be starting off 2024 with a super duper photobook. Every now and again I get such an urge to do a post for someone but hate it when there's not many recent happenings. That's the case for today but when I like a fave as much as I do Maria then will work a bit harder at having a post and though not enough newer things must have ~65 or so pics that had never been posted here before.

 Sigh, still think we need a new adjective just for her as PERFECT isn't quite good enough!!!! Maria ended up in the tenth position on this year's faves list but to me she should be in the mix every year to be my number one! Just don't think that'll ever happen as she's not nearly as busy or does as many different activities as those from the '46' groups but can think of only two current members from them who I may like more. While Maria was in the tenth spot on the yearly list she was also in that spot with you viewers! Her eight posts for 2023 had an average of 750 views per post which was tenth(!), one of the few times this year that we agreed on someone.

 What I really miss are those monthly H!P Digital books. They ceased in September 2021 and still don't know why, not just her books I miss but also the others for Hello Project members. So while not a huge amount of newish things have a fair amount from prior years that had never been posted before such as these Maria Morning Musume cards from 2020, they've slowed down this year.

 Maria is now the fourth oldest of the thirteen Morning Musume members, she'll be hitting the age of 23 on February 2nd so expect a post around then. There are a few other members who I do like but they're not so easy to do posts for. Some recent pics from Maria's IG and Ameba pages, few are with her recently departed MM mate and you also notice a pair with a soon to be ex-AKB member.

 Of course Maria's good mate is Mizuki and she graduated exactly a month ago. She does deserve at least one final post as she's my all time fave Morning Musume member and will be working on that but don't expect it for a couple of weeks but will get around to it! It only took nine years together(!) for the pair to finally share a gravure spread, why was that???????

 Those pics above are outtake or 'clean versions' of this new spread from the December 11th issue of Young Magazine. What a fabulous duo they are so once again can't understand why they never had  a spread in this vein up until now and this will end up being their only one!

 Up until this year Maria always had so many solo spreads and may have averaged one a month. But she had only two after May as all of her other spreads were with another MM member which isn't a bad thing but prefer her solo sets. So let have an encore viewing of Maria's top spread of the year which was from the November 16th issue of Weekly Shonen Champion, it's her 14th time as their cover girl.

 It didn't happen this year which was a photobook coming out on her February 2nd birthday, instead one came out in June. Up until today had never viewed the video from her 2021 "Hatachi" book but did today, it's when I finally got it! So here's some ultra sweltering screenshots of Maria from the video and will have more in future posts, will she have a book for her next birthday? Hard to say which screenshots were the best, the green bikini ones are hard to top but really all are simply perfect! The photo shoot took place in Okinawa and the video is on YT but its over forty minutes so will skip it, will also skip having any videos for today as YT is really acting up.

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