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Hajimemashite minna san....welcome to my site on my fave Japanese Pop Culture likes such as dramas, movies, magazine scans, promo events etc. Mainly concentrate on my faves...Risa Watanabe... Miku Tanaka... Yui Kobayashi....Miyuki Watanabe.... Nene Shida.... if you're a fan at all of any of them then you've come to the right place(!) but many others are featured here besides them. Do mainly quick reviews on things I've watched, try to make the reviews brief, quick to read through with not too many spoilers, just whether they're good or bad and why I thought so plus whether you may find them enjoyable. Many, many screenshots are included from everything I've watched plus any video trailers if they're available. Hope you find something that interests you, don't hesitate to comment, arigato gozaimasu!

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Thursday, December 7, 2023

Hinatazaka46: The historical first and hopefully not unpopular post for..... Mikuni Takahashi.....


 Slowly getting to these solo posts for Hina and Keya members, perhaps too slowly but more will be coming up by the end of the year. Have been doing a better job this year with not having posts for younger women and that's one reason why so few newbies have been introduced. But when it comes to J-Pop Idols that's not always easy to do as so many are from 20-23 in age. Mikuni only turned twenty in September but I have liked her for a long time, was going back through some of this year's group posts and bet she's had more photos in them than any other member. So it was just a matter of time before this post took place and as the title slightly says I don't expect this to be too popular.

 Because Mikuni is just twenty in age not going too far back with her things, nothing before this year. This is kind of an 'Ice breaker' post and once someone does have a first post the others seem to come at a more rapid pace. Have been saying for a while how Mikuni may have the most attractive face of any current '46' member and I still stand my that opinion. Would really like to see her do some modeling work and why hasn't she(?) plus would like to see her appear in more magazines or at events. But the problem is Hina has become so large with over thirty members there's only so many jobs to go around but she does seem to be getting more of a push lately. In November Mikuni was in her first stage play and have noticed she's been getting a lot more screen time on the group's 'Aimashou' show but I'd like to see much more of her.

 At 170 cm Mikuni is Hina's tallest member and think the second tallest of all '46' gals with only Nogi's captain eclipsing her. For today will have only pics from this year, for future posts will concentrate on newer activities which I hope will be plentiful. There's 92 pics for this post and would say about half had never been posted before, some were in older Hina posts from earlier this year but there's nothing before April. Let's begin off with some recent pics from the Hina blog, she doesn't have an IG page yet and for some odd reason she does seem close to the member in the second photo....

 As you can tell the bottom two above pics were from Mikuni's 20th birthday. She hosted 'Showroom' on that day and may have the video at the bottom of this post. There's only four sections to this post for as mentioned there are no magazine spreads or modeling pics but there are 92 photos. At the beginning of each month the Hina members post a monthly message at their group site, these go from December back to April and don't know why I didn't post any for July and June.

 Mikuni plays the clarinet and wouldn't consider that to be a pop or rock instrument. But many other Hina members play something and have always wondered why don't they have a group song with the members playing an instrument? You have to go back years ago but Nogi members used to perform some rockin' songs live in concert and that did add something to their shows. Lot of Keya members can also play something and it would make for a nice change of pace to see the members perform some songs live. Well, there were the Yui-chans from Keya and the Hana-chanzu from Keya but that was from years ago. Back to Mikuni and have plenty of cards for this year, only the bottom four had been posted. The top two are of course for Halloween but the others are for the group's last two singles, "Am I Ready?" and "One Choice".

 For these posts featuring members who don't get many if any posts will be including most of their 2023 promo pics for the 'Uni's on Air' game. Not all of the pics have been released yet for December which is why I've been slowish with these posts. This final batch contains forty game pics that go from December back until April. There were none for October but there are eight for September as that's when Mikuni celebrated her birthday and a member always gets an extra four pics. After this set check out a May video from Hina's first ever Ping Pong tournament, Mikuni squared off against the Captain and showed her a thing or two! Then again, wouldn't consider either to be at the same level Peco and Smile were at....

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