Welcome to this Baka's blog on his fave Japanese Pop Culture interests.
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Hajimemashite minna san....welcome to my site on my fave Japanese Pop Culture likes such as dramas, movies, magazine scans, promo events etc. Mainly concentrate on my faves...Risa Watanabe... Miku Tanaka... Yui Kobayashi....Miyuki Watanabe.... Nene Shida....if you're a fan at all of any of them then you've come to the rightplace(!) but many others are featured here besides them. Do mainly quick reviews on things I've watched, try to make the reviews brief, quick to read through with not too many spoilers, just whether they're good or bad and why I thought so plus whether you may find them enjoyable. Many, many screenshots are included from everything I've watched plus any video trailers if they're available. Hope you find something that interests you, don't hesitate to comment, arigato gozaimasu!
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Friday, December 1, 2023
Miyuki Watanabe: Few recent this and that's of ultra perfection!
This is post #46 and her first was done way back in July 2013 so you know what a long time fan I have been of her. Hmmmm, what just popped in my head now is that is there anyone else these days who gets a fair amount of posts that have been around for ten years? Going to say NO and the only other person who is somewhat close is a Morning Musume member whose first post was in 2016. So 46 in a little over ten years isn't all that many but in 2017 and 2018 there was just one post for each year. Miyuki had graduated from NMB in August 2016, think she had a clause in her contract where she couldn't do any activities for a year, she must have enjoyed that as her break lasted for almost two! So that means 44 posts in 8 1/2 years, she had many in the beginning and since 2018 has averaged about five a year. For 2023 Miyuki hit the six posts needed to qualify for the yearly list and it was her first time ever. However she wasn't in the top sixteen, a solid year for her but thought many others were more deserving.
It's okay that Miyuki didn't make the top sixteen and she's not a woman that needs to as I look at everything she's done over the last decade. On my second 'Top Twenty Faves of All Time' list she did finish in the third position, perhaps with a few more posts the top spot could have been attained. She had my number one photobook for 2019 and since then has had the best gravure pics of any woman but it's such a shame there haven't been more. Though I did become slightly smitten with Miyuki when she was in NMB it was after she graduated when she hit Ultimate Woman status!!!! She was the first J-Pop Idol who I liked more after the left her group but that is becoming a bit more common these days, she did have a 2019 solo album and why hasn't she continued her music career?
Miyuki's last post was done seven weeks ago and it was a popular one as it made that section for most viewed posts of the month. Since 2018 she has averaged five posts a year, one every seven weeks is a higher pace and could live with that. Have quite a bit of small this and that's for today, not many of one thing but most pics are new and of course all get a grade of A++++. First off are these recent IG photos, really not all that many from the last seven weeks.... but how about those first three, WOW!!!!
What I don't think has ever been posted before are Christmas pics featuring Miyuki, put her on my list for Santa every year but guess he keeps losing it.... I've already lost it!
Since 2019 Miyuki has been a model for at least five sites but never stays too long with many of them. Well, there are two and one of them is Mercury Duo and last year did design some clothes for them. This batch is brand new for their Winter collection.
Miyuki hit the age of thirty back on September 19th, the amount of women that I post about who are that age or older has been increasing and that pleases me. Personally think she looks better with each passing year and on birthday #30 her fourth photobook was released. In case you missed them here are some outtake/promo pics for it.
That book sold decently, it made the top ten for sales again three weeks ago. Though it came out near the end of September there is a new magazine spread to promote it and this way too small set is from the December issue of EX-Taishu.
Did say that Miyuki was a model for one other magazine/site and that's with Bijin Hyakka. However she seems to have only pics for them every other month, ten or more this month then zero the following one. But most of the pics for the magazine have been so overly alluring and for the most part have been her only gravure pics outside of the photobook the last two years. Here's a few older ones to whet your appetite....
Whew, is there any wonder why I've considered her to be my all time most alluring/sexiest/desirable woman 😍 of all time?! Have been saying that for seven yeas now and while some have come close to topping her it will probably never happen .Will end off with this small batch of Mkyuki pics which are brand new from the Bijin Hyakka site, she's not too old so wonder if there would ever be a chance of her having a digital book? Surprised her fan club isn't named 'Milky' but it is a popular club with many members. A few times a year an event is held, am hoping there will be one for Christmas. Miyuki had a birthday party for her fan club back in September to celebrate her 30th, she also has a YT Vlog and uploaded a video from it a month ago. That's after the pics and the video also has some footage from an event for her photobook, she looked too dazzling to describe at it....
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