Welcome to this Baka's blog on his fave Japanese Pop Culture interests.
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Hajimemashite minna san....welcome to my site on my fave Japanese Pop Culture likes such as dramas, movies, magazine scans, promo events etc. Mainly concentrate on my faves...Risa Watanabe... Miku Tanaka... Yui Kobayashi....Miyuki Watanabe.... Nene Shida....if you're a fan at all of any of them then you've come to the rightplace(!) but many others are featured here besides them. Do mainly quick reviews on things I've watched, try to make the reviews brief, quick to read through with not too many spoilers, just whether they're good or bad and why I thought so plus whether you may find them enjoyable. Many, many screenshots are included from everything I've watched plus any video trailers if they're available. Hope you find something that interests you, don't hesitate to comment, arigato gozaimasu!
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Tuesday, December 12, 2023
Nao's top sixteen Faves for 2023: Position #4, the utterly desirable Kyoko Saito!
An impossible thing to do would be to count how many photos I've posted over the year? A very rough estimate would be a little over 400,000(!) and that's if every post has averaged fifty pics which is too low of an estimate. But of all those pics my second favorite of all time is that top pic and time always stops when I view it, after three years it still leaves me speechless! That second pic is pretty darn terrific too as that was the leadoff one for Kyoko's first ever solo post which was done five yeas ago, this is her 45th since then. Am now two days early with my schedule for the countdown, was planning on doing this on the 14th but it's two days before that and why wait as I don't think anything new will be happening.
To say I like Kyoko immensely would be the understatement of he year, over the last four years think the only two women who top her in my eyes are a pair Keya members. So while I adore her more than ever that's not the case with you viewers and what's happened to her fans???? In 2021 her posts drew more views than any other woman and having a photobook certainly helped. In 2022 Kyoko dropped down to the fourth most popular women here but the amount of views her posts had received didn't drop all that much, was close to 1,400. But for the last eight months her posts don't even get half that amount of views, more like a third and why would that be? She did have a heavily viewed post last December for a mini BLT photobook that will make her average look respectable but all in all wonder where most of her fans have disappeared to???? Hmmmm, looks like she's using me as a scapegoat....
Back in 2020 Kyoko finished in the 17th position on the list and that was mainly because she only had six posts for the year. But as those post counts have risen so hasn't her position, in 2021 she zoomed all the way up to sixth and the past two years has been in the fourth spot. That's a semi-milestone as only three others have had three consecutive years in the top six but as I've sadly said before don't think she'll ever battle for #1 though I hope I'm wrong. She had fourteen solo posts for this year, that's a personal record for Kyoko beating last year by three. The toughest positions to figure out were two through four, couldn't go wrong with where any of them landed up being though after August none were in contention for being number one. What's kind of odd is that the top six on the the list had about a hundred posts for the year so all were obviously very busy. However their activities have slowed way down since the beginning of November or at least for ones you can post about. On the other hand the posts for positions sixteen through seven were often jammed pack with new things.
This is no birthday post but back on September 5th Kyoko hit the age of 26. Not that I want to see it happen but wouldn't be shocked at all if she's the next Hina first generation member to leave the group. She is so busy doing other activities such as appearing in two dramas this year, doing her first voice acting job for an anime movie, co-hosts a variety show and held a solo MTV unplugged concert. So when Kyoko departs she'll have no problem remaining busy and popular though of course would rather see her remain with Hina. Speaking of them think the next group post will be over the weekend and they just performed the final two concerts of their 'Happy Train' tour. Which were Christmas shows and sadly one was for a graduation and will have the details in the next group post.
Not a lot of new things for this post but it will be a massive one with such a variety of things. It's nice to have some previous things from a year so you can see why someone finished as high as they did on the list plus did say not many were checking out most posts from earlier this year. To me Kyoko is the best actress from the three '46' group and she landed her first lead role in a non-Hina drama. That series is titled "Nukarumi no Shokutaku" and have talked about it briefly in her two previous posts. The drama has two more episodes to go and is being subbed. Once I finish up recapping season four of "Abunai Deka" will start viewing and recapping this series so thinking will begin those posts around January 1st. Not sure of how I will be publishing them, may do two batches of three recaps and then a final one with four, we'll see how it works out. It is a dark and intense drama plus as you can see from these episode eight screenshots, a bit heart attack inducing too....
Kyoko was also in the "Actress" drama that aired earlier this year. Recapped that series and also "Borderless" from 2021 many months ago, thought the second was the much better show. On to some new photos and these are recent ones from her IG page though not as many as usual. Some are from the set of her current drama while the bottom one may be the last pic we'll ever see of the pair.
Kyoko always looks so fabulous at those huge fashion shows but she didn't appear at any after May and missed four which were attended by the other Hina members. One reason is she was so busy with that anime film and did look terrific at three events she attended to promote it. This batch here is from the March 4th 'Tokyo Girls Collection' show and didn't she look tremendous? Of course the answer is YES and hope to see her at their 2024 shows, the first will be in about a month.
Surprised the December theme for the 'Uni's on Air' web game wasn't for Christmas, this month's pics are the first four while the bottom four are from November. The five in the middle came out at the end of November and were from a set called S.teller but only two other members had a set of pics and why?
Speaking of Christmas no Hina member has more pics for the holiday than Kyoko does. She looks so tempting in these photos and could have had many more.
Kyoko is a model for the ar magazine but there hasn't been any new modeling pics at their site for a month. Since early July that's the only magazine she's appeared in and is it because she was so busy doing other activities? There's a good chance that's the reason and let's have an encore viewing of an oldie set from the March edition of Tokyo Calendar which is a web magazine.
The first five pics in this set are her monthly message photos from the Hina site, those are posted the first day of every month. The other five are from a new interview with the Real Sound site where she mainly talked about the group and here's the link to it: Real Sound interview
Whew, we're at the end and this was a large post that I could have made even bigger! Let's end off with some ultra fabulous Kyoko photos and in my eyes there aren't many women from the last few years who can top her, wouldn't I love to be stranded on a desert island with her!!!! No recent videos as she hasn't uploaded one to the Hina YT channel in ages. So after the pics is a song from her MTV solo concert, she sings "Fireworks" and she does have an excellent singing voice.
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