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Saturday, December 9, 2023

Kisumi Amau: Her newish 'GTV' digital book plus more breathtaking photos....


 Very simple post though there are around sixty photos and all will surely get your heart beating a bit faster! Just did a post for Kisumi four days ago so obviously not much has happened since then. But do have this newish book plus one brand new magazine spread that total forty pics, have an oldie set to pump up this post's content. Kisumi has become one of the most popular gravure models here this year and that post done four days ago already has over 200 views. So try not to hold on to her things for too long and she's the first woman to have two posts of the 'Nao 2024 Year'.

 That first above pic definitely needed to be posted again, shame that may be the only time the pair have appeared together. The second one is with Kisumi's #2i2 J-Pop group and haven't done a post for their leader Tomi for a while, she's second from the left. Kisumi has done so many different things over the years such as being in a few other groups, been a popular cosplayer plus has done much acting but seems these days gravure modeling is #1 on the list of her activities and why not as she has become much popular. Plus she will be turning 28 in eight months so her days as a model may not be going on for too much longer though she does look better than ever. The only new pics were what was mentioned in the intro so let's have an encore viewing of her first 2023 spread which was a huge one and is from the February 17th issue of Young Gangan, some of the pics are from the photo shoot.

 So above was Kisumi's first 2023 spread and here's her first one for 2024 which is from the January edition of Gekkan Young Champion, these days she's often the cover girl for the mags she appears in.

 Now to the finale and this Kisumi digital book was released on November 10th, it has only 32 pics so had to add in a few other things. GTV is a magazine but don't spell out the full name as for in a very strange incident seven years ago got a warning for posting one of their spreads. That baffled me as why would one out of 25 be singled out so since then have only used their initials. Kisumi has had so many spreads over the last three years but there's been so few videos from the photo shoots. So after the pics have an oldie video from her Vlog that came out four years ago, did mention she loved to cosplay which she did for Halloween.

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