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Hajimemashite minna san....welcome to my site on my fave Japanese Pop Culture likes such as dramas, movies, magazine scans, promo events etc. Mainly concentrate on my faves...Risa Watanabe... Miku Tanaka... Yui Kobayashi....Miyuki Watanabe.... Nene Shida.... if you're a fan at all of any of them then you've come to the right place(!) but many others are featured here besides them. Do mainly quick reviews on things I've watched, try to make the reviews brief, quick to read through with not too many spoilers, just whether they're good or bad and why I thought so plus whether you may find them enjoyable. Many, many screenshots are included from everything I've watched plus any video trailers if they're available. Hope you find something that interests you, don't hesitate to comment, arigato gozaimasu!

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Friday, December 8, 2023

Keyakizaka46: Their December 'Uni's on Air' game pics part one plus other stocking stuffers....


 Sigh, have slightly recovered from the shock of the devastating news but know I'll never be 100% again.... good thing I don't live on the 20th floor of a building! Not even two months to go until Yui departs and though it may have been in the works for a while it still seems like a very quick graduation. She'll be having a solo post in eight days so will discuss whatever then, seeing as how Yui has already had two photobooks am so curious to see whether she'll be having one final book. Truly hope so for odds are high if it doesn't happen we'll never see photos like these again....

 Least there's still many Keya(Sakura) members who I do like quite a bit but things will just never be the same after February 1st. So as the title says this is part one of December's game pics, not all have come out so part two may not be for another week or so. The title also says other stocking stuffers and do have plenty of other tidbits but zero new event or modeling pics plus no recent magazine spreads. Surprised the game pics for this month don't have a Christmas theme so was thinking maybe I should have a group post or two for the holiday? That sounds like a fun idea and there are plenty of older Keya things for Christmas such as a huge amount of cards. So may do one post in about ten days and the other right after Christmas as there may be some new pics for this year. Here's some oldies and those first two are quite ancient, forgot to work on getting some newish pics of Rika for today but will have some in the next group post.

 There is a special edition of their latest single coming out on Christmas, will give more details in that next Yui post. She leads off this set which are the monthly message pics at the Keya site with the final member being the gal who has to carry on Keya's 'Yui Tradition' whatever that may be! You will notice that Minami is missing as she went on hiatus about five weeks ago but added in for this month is Hikari who also had been on hiatus but returned a few weeks ago and she had been gone since June. 

 Of course also missing and always will be from now on is Mizuho who graduated twelve days ago. Don't think there will be a farewell post for her but I won't be forgetting about her for if there's anything going on with Mizuho will have the pics and news in these group posts. This is a fine batch of new pics which are her final ones for the 'Saku Koi' web game that began in July.

 Once again will have no recap for the group's 'Soko' show and that is the best current variety show for any of the three '46' groups. The last show subbed aired on September 3rd which was thirteen episodes ago, since then so much has taken place such as a new single, a graduation, a soon to be graduation and other things so those older shows are quite dated. How about some super duper IG pics and when that term is used it must mean photos of Keya's captain Rina! And that's what we have for today and am probably in the minority but would still love to see her have a photobook. You will see her with two buttons featuring her face, where can we get those? Well, do know where which is at the Keya site but would I wear one of those at the bar on a Friday night?

 There's been many more group posts this year but a decrease in ones for the members. That's baffling as Keya's popularity has risen this year plus they've been much busier with three singles, two tours, a pair of overseas concerts along with some other activities but it's been so difficult outside of one member to have to have solo posts. Perhaps the biggest reason for the decrease in those posts is that Risa is no longer around, from early 2019 until her May 2022 graduation no J-Pop Idol had more posts here than she did. Have missed doing them for Hono as I like her a lot and so don't you viewers as she is extremely popular here. Who knows when her next solo post will be but least for today have some sharp looking Keya cards for their last two singles. 

 Have said a few times how strong Keya's second generation members are so there will always be plenty of these group posts. Now on to December's promo pics for the 'Uni's on Air' web game, each member has four photos. Will have eight members for today, eight more in the next post though it could be nine as isn't it seventeen members who remain from the first two generations? Think so and am not including Minami as she's on hiatus. Of course leading off is Yui and January may be her last batch of pics for the game. Following her is Rina U and have been promising to do a post for her. That will be done within the week, perhaps even Sunday as there isn't much else going on. Third up is Fuyuka and once again will say that I think she will be the final first generation member in the group. Last up for this batch is Rena and she could be the member who I have missed doing posts for more than any other Keya gal this year.

 Final set of pics for today begins off with Hikaru and I really thought a post for her could have been done a week ago but it just hasn't worked out.... yet! Second is Rei and she soon may become my favorite Keya member, you viewers also like her quite a bit as her posts draw more views than any other member. Up next is the group's third Rina and she's never had a post so perhaps January 29th would be a good time as that's when she celebrates her 23rd birthday, rounding out the quartet is the captain Rina and why haven't the trio had their own song???? The group did open a YT channel back in May for member's to upload their own videos, wish there were more at the site and especially for the first two generations. So will skip having a video for today, there's so many on YT with 95% being crappy ones and it's so hard to scroll through looking for a decent newish one.


  1. I've watched the latest episodes of SokoSaku without subs, some were easier to follow than others, but there have been quite a lot of good ones anyway, like the last two, that is, the 2nd edition of "Kosaka Marino' Death Game", as hilarious as the previous! ^__-
    Talking about "Am I the only one who...?", I know I'm walking on thin ice, but....am I the only one who thinks that Saito could've been a better captain than Sugai? ^_^;
    As for Matsuda Rina's PB, why not? But I'd still like to get Matsuda Konoka's one before that...^___^;

  2. The show is easy enough to follow without subs but like to have the screenshots subbed so it makes it easier for viewers to understand what was going on. Seeing as how Konoka and Rina are in different groups why couldn't each have one?
