Welcome to this Baka's blog on his fave Japanese Pop Culture interests.
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Hajimemashite minna san....welcome to my site on my fave Japanese Pop Culture likes such as dramas, movies, magazine scans, promo events etc. Mainly concentrate on my faves...Risa Watanabe... Miku Tanaka... Yui Kobayashi....Miyuki Watanabe.... Nene Shida....if you're a fan at all of any of them then you've come to the rightplace(!) but many others are featured here besides them. Do mainly quick reviews on things I've watched, try to make the reviews brief, quick to read through with not too many spoilers, just whether they're good or bad and why I thought so plus whether you may find them enjoyable. Many, many screenshots are included from everything I've watched plus any video trailers if they're available. Hope you find something that interests you, don't hesitate to comment, arigato gozaimasu!
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Thursday, December 28, 2023
Akari Suda: Who better to end the year with(?)....
Well, not the final post for 2023 as there still are two more days to go and will end with a terrific one. Not the largest of posts but really wanted to have a final one for her before the year ended. Not that many were hoping for this as Akari turned out to be the most unpopular woman here for 2023. That puts me to shame as she was my overwhelming choice for 2023's #1 woman, don't think there's ever been a gap as large as the one this year between number's one and two. Said the most unpopular for her 22 posts had an average of 328 views, dead last among those with six or more posts! What a drop from last year as Akari's ten posts had an average, at the time, of 584 views a post and what happened?
But Akari's last post done eleven days ago has had 440 views in that short amount of time! That's 33% above her average from last year and I've given up trying to figure things out though that post was one of the top ones of the year. As mentioned for 2023 Akari was my Queen of the year and also led the pack with 22 posts, don't expect her to hit the number again. But then again who knows as she already has three in the first month of the 'Nao Year' and guess she wants to repeat as my Queen, in all honesty she could be tough to topple!
So while not a large post bet there's around 65-70 pics that have never been posted before, Akari's overdue for a quiet stretch and that could be coming up soon. If so will do that first ever 'Pairs Post' with Yuria who I also think the world of. Have done a bit more work on it lately so that post will be done very soon, perhaps even on January 1st though a week in may be a better time.
Hmmmm, speaking of the spirits, my favorite pastime(!), how can I not adore someone who also shares my passion.... bet she could drink me under the table!!!!
Exhausted my supply of Akari photos for Christmas so next on the list is New Years! Have some older SKE cards and most had probably never been posted before, will admit they're a bit repetitive as the members wore almost the same outfit every year.
Though there's still many things my supply of older Akari pics that had never been posted here is starting to get a bit too low. But do have some historical(?) ones such as this batch from April 6, 2018. On that date our.... Sensei(!) appeared at an event called 'Newspaper Campus 2018' which was part of 'Newspaper Week' that ran that year from April 6th until the 12th. Of course the event and week was to promote the reading of newspapers and how many of us do that these days? Akari does she said at the event and does like to read it in the morning but mainly just likes to peruse the more happier stories, doesn't she look as though she'd make for a super duper professor?
What I truly am running out of are solo magazine spreads. May have used all of them up but will have two never seen here before in that 'Pairs Post'. So here's an encore viewing of an oldie and definitely goldie from the September 2014 issue of GTV, this is set is well over nine years old!
As is the trend will end off with many brand new IG pics and to me the best ones over the years would make for such a tremendous photobook! All the pics are superb but especially the first two and bottom one which is from a live video session held two days ago to promote her "Ganko" essay book. Of course there's at least one pic enjoying the spirits but the most interesting one is the fourth. Akari will be the cover girl for the next issue of Date, kind of funny as she's said many times that even at the age of 32 she's never been on a date before.... did she lose my number again???? Akari used to and actually still does have a YT Vlog but never uploaded many videos to it and surprised with that as she seems like the kind who loves to make videos. After the pics is one from 2020 where we she does some cosplaying and we need to see more of that, it was for a special Abema/Keirain-TV challenge.
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