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Hajimemashite minna san....welcome to my site on my fave Japanese Pop Culture likes such as dramas, movies, magazine scans, promo events etc. Mainly concentrate on my faves...Risa Watanabe... Miku Tanaka... Yui Kobayashi....Miyuki Watanabe.... Nene Shida.... if you're a fan at all of any of them then you've come to the right place(!) but many others are featured here besides them. Do mainly quick reviews on things I've watched, try to make the reviews brief, quick to read through with not too many spoilers, just whether they're good or bad and why I thought so plus whether you may find them enjoyable. Many, many screenshots are included from everything I've watched plus any video trailers if they're available. Hope you find something that interests you, don't hesitate to comment, arigato gozaimasu!

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Sunday, December 17, 2023

Nao's top sixteen Faves for 2023: Position #1, the hypnotic and tantalizing Akari Suda!!!!


 Previous positions

#8, Risa W .... #7, Iori .... #6, Miku T .... #5, Nene

 Within the week will be back with a wrap up post for this year's list where I give some final thoughts, stats and any positions that perhaps should have been different. This was not a suspenseful year as far as who number one would be as I've been saying who since August. To me Akari deserved this honor immensely as she is such a likable woman and has worked extremely hard since graduating from SKE at the end of October 2022. It's been such a fantastic year for her posts as some viewers may know for so many years had been frustrated I couldn't do more of them for Akari and I've been head over heels for her since around 2015.

 Akari was also #1 this year for posts as she had 22 at the end of November when the 'Nao Year' ends. Never in a million years did I expect her to ever have that many and if she drops to a dozen or so next year that would be okay to me but she already has two posts for the 2024 'Nao Year'. Of course Akari being so busy was the key reason for there being so many posts, she has slowed down just a tad this month. Another reason is that I'm more smitten with Akari 😍 than ever and while she's not my official all time number one woman she's so darn close so hope she's reading this!!!!

 At the end of December will do a list of who the most popular women were here for 2023, the only criteria was to have six or more posts. This year 29 women hit that mark and think a Nogi member may end up being the most popular. Sadly have a strong feeling that of all people my #1 woman Akari will be dead last! Haven't figured out any stats yet but these days her posts draw so few views, her ones from previous years had never drawn all that many either or at least compared to others so how could she have become even more unpopular???? I'm thinking there may be two reasons though there could be more. One is Akari's age as she did turn 32 on October 31st, perhaps viewers prefer woman a decade younger but my tastes these days are for gals around her age. The other reason could be because of how Akari looks and will admit she's not nearly as bodacious as gravure models, though she does a lot of those photos she can't be classified as a gravure model. But I can only think of one other model who in my eyes is more alluring and think if viewers check out her older posts you may see what I'm talking about.

 Akari does enjoy the spirits and that's a huge plus in my book!!!! So with doing so many posts for her this year and with one done just a week ago was worried this wouldn't be as terrific as other position posts. But as usual it was needless worrying on my part and this could be the second best post of the list, think the post for #3 is the best of the lot but this one is very close to being as super duper. Have some fabulous recent pics, many older ones that had never been posted before and will have some older ones from earlier this year to show why Akari was easily my Queen for the year!

 I deserve to be slapped in the head many times as have I become so forgetful! Did say there would be a 'Pairs Post' for the above duo but obviously haven't gotten around to it, vow to do it not too far in the future. Have so many things and not sure what to begin off with, how about some SKE Christmas cards? In Akari's last post did have many regular photos for the holiday but said there were many more which is this batch and actually there's more than these..... bottom pics aren't cards which you'll notice.

 Perhaps there will be more holiday pics in her next post, some would be for New Year's. Akari has a fan club and does hold many events for the members, she just had two for her 32nd birthday. On December 23rd she will be holding a Christmas party so maybe her next post will be a few days after that. These days Akari appears in so fewer magazines than she did with SKE but that's the case for almost all Idols who graduate. But do know she will be the cover girl for a mag coming out next month but the title escapes me. So have her last one to date here which is from the October 10th issue of SPA!, too small but the pics are out of this world!

 That spread was promoting Akari's second essay book "Ganko" that came out on November 1st. The book has been a solid seller as it was in the top ten for sales it's first three weeks out and bet it's sold 5,000+ copies which to me is a success. The book also had a regular photobook section with many gravure pics and of course they make my heart flutter out of control. The first three pics are the covers and there's also some outtake pics after that from the book. They had been posted before but not the second batch of three as she just uploaded them to her IG page a few days ago.

 Akari just appeared on a new variety show titled "Ozu Jibito" which is a food show and for her appearance did an interview with TheTV.jp site. There Akari talked about her fave foods but also about how life has been since leaving SKE, here's the link to it: TheTV.jp interview

 One thing that I have mentioned so many times is why didn't Akari have any videos from her magazine photo shoots, seems most other SKE members did. However she has uploaded many pics to her IG page from those photo shoots and you've seen them all from the past two years. But this batch here are some very older ones Akari had at her IG page and also Abema where SKE used to have a blog. I had never seen these before and is it possible for my heart to beat any faster?!

 Bet this will end up being the largest post for the fave's list, once I begin to post about Akari there's just no stopping me!!!! Seeing as how it's only been a week since her last post these are all she's uploaded to her IG page but the quality is sky high and especially for the last pics....

 For well over a year have been saying how Akari's photos on her Insta page are almost as good a someone's gravure spread. Well, just as good meaning that you obviously have to look at them a bit differently and still say she should take her best pics and have a photobook of them! Didn't count but would think I've posted over 500 of her IG pics from this year and it's so hard to pick out the top ones! But did try to and here are my top 44 with those first few leaving me speechless.... many others also do....

 Whew, we've finally reached the end and this could have been one of the largest posts of all time here! Will conclude with many sizzling Akari photos and though she doesn't have all that many fans here there's just one, possibly two, that top her in my eyes. One thing that has always been lacking and always will are terrific videos, as mentioned she's never had a gravure one. After the pics have one from a year ago for Fender guitar and Akari does play often for her fan club events. She's a rarity as she's left handed yet plays the guitar with her right. 



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